内容推荐 本书系统梳理了中国历史上实现大一统盛世的王朝,力图循着古人足迹,从其治国理念、文化交流原则、民族政策、对外政策等多维视角,以生动的历史文化故事,探寻中国这个统一多民族国家形成发展的始末缘由。“观今宜鉴古,无古不成今”。今天,中国在推进国家治理体系和治理能力的现代化过程中,也在不断汲取着中华优秀传统文化。当今中国所实行的社会主义核心价值观、“和而不同”文化交流原则、民族区域自治政策以及所提倡的“一带一路”建设和人类命运共同体,无不体现着对中华文化的创造性转化与创新性发展。 作者简介 程丽君,中共中央党校伦理学博士,中国传统文化促进会《群书治要》传承委员会理事,主要从事中国传统伦理学研究。曾参与《〈群书治要〉译注》修订。在《学习时报》《中国纪检监察报》《社会治理》等发表论文多篇。 目录 Publisher's Notes Foreword Introduction Chapter One Governs the State with Confucianism and Upholds the Spirit of Inclusiveness Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Promotes Confucianism Kublai's Adoption of the “Han Ways” Emperor Shunzhi Promotes Confucius as Saint Emperor Kangxi Honors Confucianism and Treasures Truth Chapter Two Joint Development Through Exchanges and Mutual Learning Zhang Qian Blazes the Silk Road The Trust-Serendipity-Based “Tea-Horse Exchange Market” Zheng He Voyages to the West Chapter Three Enhance Ethnic Solidarity to Gather Strength Ban Chao the Protector General of the Western Regions Tang China and the Tibetan Empire in Family-like Harmony The Ming Court's Policy of Equity for the Han and Non-Han Groups Chapter Four Benevolent Governance by Virtues Emperor Wen of Han and Nanyue King Yang Hu's Benevolent Governance over the Rival State Emperor Wen of Sui: Sagacious Khan Classic Quotes |