内容推荐 在庆祝建党一百周年之际,选择不同历史时期具有代表性的国际好朋友,编撰出版本书,一是从国际友人支持帮助的视角,进一步阐释好、宣传好中国共产党的领导地位是历史的选择、人民的选择这一颠扑不破的真理;二是从国际友人支持帮助的视阈,用鲜活的事例,向世界讲好中国共产党一百年的故事,讲好新时代中国特色社会主义故事,充分展现我们党成立一百来的伟大成就;三是从铭记国际好朋友的视角,在庆祝建党一百周年之际,集中展现中国共产党和中国人民重情感恩,一直没有忘记曾帮助过中国的老朋友、好朋友的传统美德,激励更多的国际友人参与我国社会主义现代化建设,为促进中外交流合作,维护世界和平,构建人类命运共同体作出新的更大贡献。 目录 Norman Bethune Symbol of China-Canada Friendship Edgar Snow Telling the CPC's Stories to the World George Hatem Pioneer of New China's Health Service Agnes Smedley An American Writer Dedicated to the Liberation of the Chinese People Anna Louise Strong Reporter of China's Revolution and Development Dwarkanath Kotnis An Indian Doctor in the Taihang Mountains Rewi Alley Sixty Years of Devotion to China Hans Shippe An Internationalist Fighter in the Yimeng Mountains Jakob Rosenfeld An Austrian Doctor Who Made Outstanding Contributions to China Jean-Augustin Bussiere A French Doctor and the "Hump Route by Bike" Israel Epstein Committed to China's International Communication Ivan Vasilevich Arkhipov Head of the Soviet Experts Team to China Konosuke Matsushita A Pioneer in Participating in China's Reform and Opening Up Ohira Masayoshi Japanese Prime Minister and Major Contributor to China-Japan Relations Juan Antonio Samaranch Bringing Chinese Sports to the World Morihiko Hiramatsu Helping Chinese Farmers Get Better Off Kenneth David Kaunda Trailblazer of China-Africa All-Weather Friendship Vicente Rovetta Promoting China-Themed Books in Latin America |