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书名 | 新小巴掌童话(英文版)/中国经典儿童文学走向世界 |
分类 | 少儿童书-儿童文学-中国儿童文学 |
作者 | 张秋生 |
出版社 | 海豚出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 《新小巴掌童话》是张秋生“小巴掌童话”经典系列最新的短篇童话集,收录了《雨婆婆的新瓦罐》《青蛙写诗》等数十篇短篇童话。《雨婆婆的新瓦罐》中,雨婆婆的新瓦罐调皮捣蛋,给雨婆婆带了了不少麻烦,最终它能成长为一个合格的小瓦罐么?《守秘密的小兔子》中,小兔子是一个喜欢分享的小朋友,但他为了农民伯伯的粮食,选择了保守一个关于稻草人的秘密。每一篇童话虽然不长,但是会让人思考良久、回味无穷。在这些短小的童话背后,蕴藏着作者对孩子们的深沉的爱和殷切的期盼。通过阅读,孩子们可以感知友谊的力量、学会珍惜时间、会体味到分享的快乐等。 作者简介 张秋生,天津市静海区人。1939年8月生于上海。中国作家协会会员。曾任《少年日报》总编辑、编审、《童话报》主编,《好儿童画报》主编,上海作家协会理事、儿童文学委员会主任等职。 从20世纪50年代后期起,从事儿童文学创作。曾出版过儿童诗集《校园里的蔷薇花》《站在巢边的小鸫鸟》《鱼儿会不会微笑》,童话集《小巴掌童话/打动孩子心灵的中国经典》《新创小巴掌童话/打动孩子心灵的中国经典百篇》《鹅妈妈和西瓜蛋》,长篇童话《爸爸狗和儿子猫》《老鼠喂养的恐龙》,以及散文集《童年阁楼上的白云》等。作品曾获全国优秀儿童文学奖、宋庆龄儿童文学奖、冰心图书奖、张天翼童话寓言奖、陈伯吹儿童文学奖、台湾杨唤儿童文学奖。由于长期从事少年儿童报刊编辑工作,荣获中国少儿报刊协会“叶圣陶编辑奖”,上海“韬奋新闻奖”等。 目录 The Moon and the Cat on the Roof Grandmother Rain and Her New Pipkin Little Weird Loong and His Wish The Little Girl with a Bad Memory At the Corner The Muttering Badger The Secret-keeping Bunny The Talking Straw Stacks Your Sky and My Grassland The Yard Full of Hanging Green Lanterns Sharing The Apples Running in the Grass Sweet Bear-melon Apples The Colorful Monster Fond of Running 34 The Singing Bed in Winter Frog Belly and the Spring Thunder The House of the Hen Can Bite The Tree I Loved The Fifth Balloon Washing, Washing, Aunt Hippo The Great Daddy Wolf Rude and Kangaroo Mild Friends That Cannot Help The Pretty Carrot-shaped Backpack Elder Mole Seven The Story on the Tree The Trampoline Exchanging Fathers Lion and His Rooster Prince The Whirling Dancer 75 Rooster and the Sun Intoxication The Setting Sun and the Sea The Nest 82 The Naughty Little Sea Fish The Friends on the Tree Stump The Little Elf Chanting Wrong Spells Rabbit and His Five Friends The Ticklish Fish The Raindrops Are You the Moon? You Are Not a Bird, Little Bear The Strange Umbrella Brown Dog and White Dog The Oriole Leaving His Mom for the First Time The Cats Sitting on the Balcony Railing The Crab Fond of Writing Poems Turn Left, Turn Right Good Morning, Friend Little Hedgehog Carrying a Mop The Wind Brothers The Pitch-black Monster The Letter from Little Koala Mother Bess’ Three Eggs 113 Spider Black Bean The Warm and Wonderful Blanket The Sea on the Left Side of the Bed and the Mountain on the Right Side Little Lamb and His Schoolmaster Hippo Tortoise Sitting on the Schoolbag Fighting Frog Fond of Singing Kissing the Black Bear The Happy Bamboo Basket Two Boots of Hunter Old Wolf The Boasting Mouse Little Black Bear in the Circus Ring The Whispering Apple and Moon The Rhinoceros and His Friend A Little Tail The Big Forest of Lion The Calf and the Dehorning Grass Little Podge and Brown Bear The King Wearing a Bedsheet |
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