内容推荐 语言教学应该怎么进行? 二语习得理论有哪些? 二语习得理论如何指导语言教学? 更新后的第五版《第二语言学习与教学》全面阐述了二语习得理论及其与教学的关系,在第二语言教学界影响深远,是各级外语教师的教学参考书。 目录 Acknowledgments Teacher's Foreword 1 Background to Second Language Acquisition Research and Language Teaching 2 Learning and Teaching Different Types of Grammar 3 Learning and Teaching Vocabulary 4 Acquiring and Teaching Pronunciation 5 Acquiring and Teaching a New Writing System 6 Strategies for Communicating and Learning 7 Individual Differences in L2 Users and L2 Learners 8 The L2 User and the Native Speaker 9 The Goals of Language Teaching 10 General Models of L2 Learning 11 Second Language Learning and Language Teaching Styles Coursebooks Mentioned References Index |