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书名 | 中国韧性(一个超大规模文明型国家的历史足迹)(英文版)/今日中国丛书 |
分类 | 人文社科-历史-中国史 |
作者 | 李勇刚 |
出版社 | 新世界出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 中国文明源远流长,延绵千年而未有断绝,本书阐释了造就中国这个超大规模文明型国家的内生动力,从历史脉络着手,提出“中国韧性”作为贯穿中国历代政治格局和思想文化的主线,并认为这一意识亦是维系中华民族共同体意识的重要纽带。本书在对比中西文明不同特征及其成因的基础上,通过考察几个重要的历史节点和时期——殷周之变、周秦之变、唐宋之变,由元而清以及古今之变,来梳理“大一统”国家的历史脉络,进而阐释中国特色社会主义制度和国家治理体系深厚的历史底蕴,为坚守“国土不可分、国家不可乱、民族不可散、文明不可断”的共识底线提供有益支持。 作者简介 李勇刚,1981年12月生,四川阆中人,北京大学哲学系中国哲学专业博士毕业。现任中央社会主义学院(中华文化学院)中华文化教研部中国传统文化教研室主任、副教授。主要研究领域为儒家政治哲学、新时代文化自信以及统战文化等。主讲《中国古代思想文化史》(《中华文化要义:大一统》)、《中华文明经典导读》等课程,主持“如何给统战干部讲清楚中华文化”等统战高端智库课题。近年来在《人民日报》、《学习时报》、《中央社会主义学院学报》等报刊发表论文多篇,出版著作、译著多部。 目录 Introduction Chapter One: Chinese and Western Civilizations: Concentric Circles and Jigsaws 1.1 Division vs. Unification 1.2 The West: Oceans and Centrifugal Forces 1.3 China: Farming and Centripetal Forces 1.4 Concentric Circles vs. Jigsaws Chapter Two: From the Shang Dynasty to the Zhou Dynasty: Retreat of Shangdi and Prominence of “Virtues” 2.1 Yin Shang: The Rapid Demise of a Powerful Dynasty 2.2 Shangdi: Sources of Shang’s Destiny of Heaven 2.3 Virtue: Discovery of the Zhou Dynasty 2.4 People-oriented: Essence of the Rule by Virtue 2.5 The Patriarchal Clan System: Maintaining Stability of the Political Community 2.6 Feudalism: Initial Construction of a Large Country 2.7 The Tianxia System and Civilization of Rituals and Music 2.8 The Tianxia System vs. Greek City-State Politics Chapter Three: From the Zhou Dynasty to the Qin and Han Dynasties: Failure of Feudalism and Establishment of Counties 3.1 Total Collapse of Feudal Order 3.2 Background of Contention of a Hundred Schools of Thought: Centralization of Power and Escalation of War 3.3 Confucius: The Restoration of Rituals and Music, and Cultivation of Scholars (I) 3.4 Confucius: The Concentric Circles Structure of Benevolence (II) 3.5 Mozi: Equal Love and Organizational Building 3.6 Laozi: Self-control of Power 3.7 Legalism: Strict “Performance Management” 3.8 The Qin Dynasty: The First Unified State with a System of Prefectures and Counties 3.9 The Systematic Process of “Great Unification” 3.10 The Han Dynasty: Dong Zhongshu and Prevalence of Confucianism 3.11 Development of Enlightenment and Cultivation of Customs 3.12 Integration Degree: Qin and Han Dynasties vs. the Roman Empire Chapter Four: Changes between the Tang and Song Dynasties: End of In?uential Clan Society and Rise of Civilian Society 4.1 Rise of Influential Clan Society and Its Influence 4.2 Wei, Jin, Southern, and Northern Dynasties: Era of Great Division 4.3 Sui and Tang Dynasties: Integrating Grassland and Farming 4.4 The “Terminator” of Influential Clan Society: The Imperial Examination System 4.5 Scholar-officials and Emperor Ruling Country Together 4.6 Third-party Observations on the Imperial Examination System 4.7 Neo-Confucianism in the Song Dynasty and Reorganization of Civilian Society 4.8 The Ming Dynasty under the Early Modern World System Chapter Five: From the Yuan to Qing Dynasties: An Era into “Great China” 5.1 South-North Relations: Farming and Nomadism 5.2 Great Contribution of Nomadic People 5.3 The Yuan Dynasty: The “Great China” Era Opened in Full Swing 5.4 The Ming Dynasty: Maintenance and Deepening of “Great China” 5.5 The Qing Dynasty: Full Integration of “Great China” 5.6 Different Fates of the Qing Dynasty and Two Cotemporaneous Empires Summary Postscript |
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