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书名 国际贸易实务(双语高等院校经济管理类专业应用型系列教材)
分类 经济金融-经济-贸易
出版社 经济科学出版社
Chapter l Introduction(导论)
1.1 Definition of International Trade(国际贸易的定义)
1.2 The Basic Procedures of Export Business(出口贸易的一般流程)
1.3 Characteristics of Cargo Intemational Trade(国际货物贸易的特点)
1.4 ICC and the Conventions in International Trade(国际商会与国际贸易惯例
Chapter 2 Trade Terms(贸易术语)
2.1 Definition and Convention of Trade Terms(贸易术语的定义和惯例)
2.2 Trade Terms in/ncoterms(2020年国际贸易术语解释通则》中的贸易术语)
2.3 Application Issues(贸易术语的运用)
2.4 Determinants of Choice of Trade Terms(贸易术语选择的影响因素)
Chapter 3 Negotiation and Signing of Contract(合同的磋商和签订)
3.1 Business Negotiation(交易磋商)
3.2 Signing of a Contract(合同的签订)
Chapter 4 Subject Matter of Contract(合同的标的物)
4.1 Name of Commodity(商品的名称)
4.2 Quality of Goods(商品的质量)
4.3 Quantity of Goods(商品的数量)
4.4 Packing of Goods(商品的包装)
Chapter 5 International Cargo Transport(国际货物运输)
5.1 Methods ofTransport(运输方式)
5.2 Clause of Shipment(装运条款)
5.3 Transportation Documents(运输单据)
Chapter 6 International Cargo Insurance (国际货物运输保险)
6.1 Insurance Overview(保险概述)
6.2 Risks,Losses and Expenses of Insured(保障的风险、损失和费用)
6.3 China Marine Cargo Insurance Clause(CIC)(中国海运货物保险条款)
6.4 London Insurance Institute Cargo Clauses (伦敦保险协会海运货物保险条款)
6.5 Insurance Clause in Contract(合同中的保险条款)
6.6 Insurance Claim(保险索赔)
Chapter 7 Export Price(出口商品的价格)
7.1 Pricing Consideration(价格影响因素)
7.2 Cost Accounting(成本核算)
7.3 Formation and Conversion of Major Trade Terms(贸易术语的价格构成)
7.4 Pricing Methods and Money of Account (作价方法和计价货币)
7.5 Commission and Discount(佣金和折扣)
Chapter 8 International Payment and Settlement(国际货款的收付)
8.1 Paying Instruments(支付工具)
8.2 Payment Methods(支付方式)
Chapter 9 Inspection,Claim,Force Majeure and Arbitration(商检、索赔、不可抗力和仲裁)
9.1 Commodity Inspection(商检)
9.2 Claim(索赔)
9.3 Force Majeure(不可抗力)
9.4 Arbitration(仲裁)
Chapter 10 Performance of Contract(合同的履行)
10.1 General Procedures of Expo~Transaction(出口交易的一般程序)
10.2 General Procedures of Import Transaction(进口交易的一般程序)
Chapter 11 Cross-border E-commerce Business(跨境电子商务)
11.1 Advantages of E-commerce(电子商务的优势)
11.2 Development of China’s Cross-border E-commerce(中国跨境电子商务的发展)
11.3 Barriers to E-commerce Development(电子商务发展的障碍)
附录1 销售确认书
附录2 信用证申请书
附录3 SWIFT信用证
附录4 信用证修改通知书
附录5 汇票
附录6 商业发票
附录7 装箱单
附录8 海运提单
附录9 保险单
附录10 原产地证书
附录11 商检证书




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