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书名 | 哈利波特与死亡圣器(上下英汉对照版) |
分类 | 少儿童书-儿童文学-外国儿童文学 |
作者 | (英)J.K.罗琳 |
出版社 | 人民文学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 适读人群 :0-14岁 梦寐以求的“哈利·波特”双语版,第七部震撼上市! 大受欢迎的新版本,开启原汁原味的魔法冒险之旅! 英国提供的*新英文原版内文 编辑逐字打磨的全新修订译本 深受哈迷喜爱的美国初版封面 内容简介 本书是“哈利·波特”系列第七部《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》的英汉对照版。书中左侧是英文原文,右侧是中译文,英文和中文均是全本,未经缩写。并且,中文译文是*新修订的版本。 哈利告别了保护他十七年的女贞路,坐上海格的摩托车飞向天空,他知道伏地魔和食死徒就在他们身后不远处追赶。伏地魔威胁着哈利深爱的一切,为了阻止他,哈利必须找到并毁掉剩下的魂器。 *后的大战即将开始,哈利除了直面他的敌人,别无选择…… 作者简介 本书作者: J.K.罗琳是畅销书“哈利?波特”系列的作者,该系列小说深受读者喜爱,屡创销量纪录。迄今为止,“哈利?波特”系列销量已逾500,000,000册,被翻译成80种语言,并被改编成8部好莱坞大片。J.K.罗琳还为慈善组织撰写过3部“哈利?波特”系列衍生作品,分别是《神奇的魁地奇球》《神奇动物在哪里》(用于资助喜剧救济基金会和“荧光闪烁”)以及《诗翁彼豆故事集》(用于资助“荧光闪烁”)。她还创作了一部以《神奇动物在哪里》为灵感来源的电影剧本,该影片开启了“神奇动物在哪里”电影系列(共5部)。她与他人合作的舞台剧《哈利?波特与被诅咒的孩子》(第一部和第二部)于2016年夏天在伦敦西区上演。2012年,J.K.罗琳正式推出数字化公司Pottermore,哈迷们可以在网站上浏览新闻、专题和文章,更可以畅读她的原创内容。J.K.罗琳还为成年读者写过小说《偶发空缺》,并以笔名罗伯特?加尔布雷思创作过推理小说。她曾荣获众多奖项和荣誉,其中包括表彰她为儿童文学做出巨大贡献的大英帝国勋章、法国荣誉军团勋章,以及安徒生文学奖。 目录 CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE The Dark Lord Ascending CHAPTER TWO In Memoriam CHAPTER THREE The Dursleys Departing CHAPTER FOUR The Seven Potters CHAPTER FIVE Fallen Warrior CHAPTER SIX The Ghoul in Pyjamas CHAPTER SEVEN The Will of Albus Dumbledore CHAPTER EIGHT The Wedding CHAPTER NINE A Place to Hide CHAPTER TEN Kreacher’s Tale CHAPTER ELEVEN The Bribe CHAPTER TWELVE Magic is Might CHAPTER THIRTEEN The Muggle-Born Registration Commission CHAPTER FOURTEEN The Thief CHAPTER FIFTEEN The Goblin’s Revenge CHAPTER SIXTEEN Godric’s Hollow CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Bathilda’s Secret CHAPTER EIGHTEEN The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore CHAPTER NINETEEN The Silver Doe CHAPTER TWENTY Xenophilius Lovegood CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE The Tale of the Three Brothers CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO The Deathly Hallows CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE Malfoy Manor CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR The Wandmaker CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE Shell Cottage CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX Gringotts CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN The Final Hiding Place CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT The Missing Mirror CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE The Lost Diadem CHAPTER THIRTY The Sacking of Severus Snape CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE The Battle of Hogwarts CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO The Elder Wand CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE The Prince’s Tale CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR The Forest Again CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE King’s Cross CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX The Flaw in the Plan Nineteen Years Later 目录 第1 章 黑魔头崛起 第2 章 回忆 第3 章 德思礼一家离开 第4 章 七个波特 第5 章 坠落的勇士 第6 章 穿睡衣的食尸鬼 第7 章 阿不思·邓布利多的遗嘱 第8 章 婚礼 第9 章 藏身之处 第10 章 克利切的故事 第11 章 贿赂 第12 章 魔法即强权 第13 章 麻瓜出身登记委员会 第14 章 小偷 第15 章 妖精的报复 第16 章 戈德里克山谷 第17 章 巴希达的秘密 第18 章 阿不思·邓布利多的生平和谎言 第19 章 银色的牝鹿 第20 章 谢诺菲留斯·洛夫古德 第21 章 三兄弟的传说 第22 章 死亡圣器 第23 章 马尔福庄园 第24 章 魔杖制作人 第25 章 贝壳小屋 第26 章 古灵阁 第27 章 *后的隐藏之处 第28 章 丢失的镜子 第29 章 失踪的冠冕 第30 章 西弗勒斯·斯内普被赶跑 第31 章 霍格沃茨的战斗 第32 章 老魔杖 第33 章 “王子”的故事 第34 章 又见禁林 第35 章 国王十字车站 第36 章 百密一疏 尾 声 十九年后 精彩页 The two men appeared out of nowhere, a few yards apart in the narrow, moonlit lane. For a second they stood quite still, wands directed at each other’s chests; then, recognising each other, they stowed their wands beneath their cloaks and started walking briskly in the same direction. ‘News?’ asked the taller of the two. ‘The best,’ replied Severus Snape. The lane was bordered on the left by wild, low-growing brambles, on the right by a high, neatly manicured hedge. The men’s long cloaks flapped around their ankles as they marched. ‘Thought I might be late,’ said Yaxley, his blunt features sliding in and out of sight as the branches of overhanging trees broke the moonlight. ‘It was a little trickier than I expected. But I hope he will be satisfied. You sound confident that your reception will be good?’ Snape nodded, but did not elaborate. They turned right, into a wide driveway that led off the lane. The high hedge curved with them, running off into the distance beyond the pair of impressive wrought-iron gates barring the men’s way. Neither of them broke step: in silence both raised their left arms in a kind of salute and passed straight through as though the dark metal were smoke. The yew hedges muffled the sound of the men’s footsteps. There was a rustle somewhere to their right: Yaxley drew his wand again, pointing it over his companion’s head, but the source of the noise proved to be nothing more than a pure white peacock, strutting majestically along the top of the hedge. ‘He always did himself well, Lucius. Peacocks …’ Yaxley thrust his wand back under his cloak with a snort. A handsome manor house grew out of the darkness at the end of the straight drive, lights glinting in the diamond-paned downstairs windows. Somewhere in the dark garden beyond the hedge, a fountain was playing. Gravel crackled beneath their feet as Snape and Yaxley sped towards the front door, which swung inwards at their approach, though nobody had visibly opened it. The hallway was large, dimly lit and sumptuously decorated, with a magnificent carpet covering most of the stone floor. The eyes of the palefaced portraits on the walls followed Snape and Yaxley as they strode past.The two men halted at a heavy wooden door leading into the next room, hesitated for the space of a heartbeat, then Snape turned the bronze handle. The drawing room was full of silent people, sitting at a long and ornate table. The room’s usual furniture had been pushed carelessly up against the walls. Illumination came from a roaring fire beneath a handsome marble mantelpiece surmounted by a gilded mirror. Snape and Yaxley lingered for a moment on the threshold. As their eyes grew accustomed to the lack of light they were drawn upwards to the strangest feature of the scene: an apparently unconscious human figure hanging upside-down over the table, revolving slowly as if suspended by an invisible rope, and reflected in the mirror and in the bare, polished surface of the table below. None of the people seated underneath this singular sight was looking at it except for a pale young man sitting almost directly below it. He seemed unable to prevent himself from glancing upwards every minute or so. 两个男人从虚空中突然现身,在月光映照的窄巷里相隔几米。他们一动不动地站立了一秒钟,用魔杖指着对方的胸口。接着,两人互相认了出来,便把魔杖塞进斗篷下面,朝同一方向快步走去。 “有消息吗?”个子高一些的那人问。 “再好不过了。”西弗勒斯·斯内普回答。 小巷左边是杂乱生长的低矮的荆棘丛,右边是修剪得整整齐齐的高高的树篱。两人大步行走,长长的斗篷拍打着他们的脚脖子。 “我还以为迟到了呢,”亚克斯利说,头顶上低悬的树枝不时地遮挡住月光,他轮廓不分明的脸显得忽明忽暗,“没想到事情这么棘手,不过我希望他会满意。听你的口气,你好像相信自己会受到欢迎?” 斯内普点点头,但没有细说。他们往右一转,离开小巷,进入一条宽宽的汽车道。高高的树篱也跟着拐了个弯,向远处延伸,两扇气派非凡的锻铁大门挡住了两人的去路。他们谁也没有停住脚步,而是像行礼一样默默地抬起左臂,径直穿了过去,就好像那黑色的锻铁不过是烟雾一般。 紫杉树篱使两人的脚步声听上去发闷。右边什么地方传来沙沙的响声,亚克斯利又抽出魔杖,举过同伴的头顶,结果发现弄出声音的是一只白孔雀,在树篱顶上仪态万方地走着。 “这个卢修斯,总是搞得这么讲究。孔雀……”亚克斯利哼了一声,把魔杖塞回斗篷下面。 笔直的车道尽头,一幢非常体面的宅邸赫然出现在黑暗中,底层窗户的菱形玻璃射出闪亮的灯光。在树篱后面黑黢黢的花园里,什么地方有个喷泉在喷水。斯内普和亚克斯利吱嘎吱嘎地踩着沙砾路朝正门走去,刚走到跟前,不见有人开门,门却自动朝里打开了。 门厅很大,光线昏暗,布置得十分豪华,一条华贵的地毯几乎覆盖了整个石头地面。斯内普和亚克斯利大步走过时,墙上那些脸色苍白的肖像用目光跟随着他们。两人在一扇通向另一房间的沉重木门前停下脚步,迟疑了一下,斯内普转动了青铜把手。 客厅里满是沉默不语的人,都坐在一张装潢考究的长桌旁边。房间里平常用的家具被胡乱地推到墙边。华丽的大理石壁炉里燃着熊熊旺火,火光照着屋子,壁炉上方是一面镀金的镜子。斯内普和亚克斯利在门口停留了一会儿,等适应了昏暗的光线后,他们的目光被长桌上方一幕*奇怪的景象吸引住了:一具神志明显不清的人体头朝下悬在桌子上方,像是被一根无形的绳子吊着,慢慢旋转,身影映在镜子里,映在空荡荡的、打磨得锃亮的桌面上。在座的那些人谁也没去看这奇异的景象,只有一个差不多正好位于它下方的脸色惨白的年轻人除外。他似乎无法克制自己,不时地往上扫一眼。 |
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