内容推荐 本教材主要包括学术英语阅读、写作、听力、交流、词汇、语法和翻译等7 个单元,既关注学术语篇的宏观结构,也聚焦微观的阅读、听力和写作技巧,并通过系统梳理学术词汇的特点和语法特征,帮助学生掌握学术论文写作的方法、熟练运用翻译技巧进行科技文献翻译。本教材为混合式数字化教材,除配套“理工学术英语”慕课外,书中部分内容和资源均提供二维码,可直接扫码在线查看。本教材另配有PPT 课件,读者可登录ftp://ftp.tsinghua.edu.cn/下载使用。 本教材适用于本科及以上阶段学生的学术英语课程,也可供对学术英语感兴趣的读者作为阅读材料。 目录 Unit 1 Academic Reading Pre-class tasks In-class tasks 1.1 General glimpse of academic reading 1.2 Basic structure of academic papers 1.3 Skills for academic paper reading 1.4 Abstract reading 1.5 Text reading After-class tasks Unit 2 Academic Reading Pre-class tasks In-class tasks 2.1 General glimpse of academic writing 2.2 Selecting a topic 2.3 Writing a title 2.4 Writing an abstract 2.5 Writing an introduction 2.6 Writing methods and results 2.7 Writing discussions 2.8 Revising and editing 2.9 Getting to be published After-class tasks Unit 3 Academic Listening Pre-class tasks In-class tasks 3.1 General glimpse of academic listening 3.2 Skills for academic listening 3.3 Activities for academic listening After-class tasks Pre-class tasks Unit 4 Academic Communication In-class tasks 4.1 General glimpse of academic communication 4.2 Types of presentations in academic communication 4.3 Chairing a conference 4.4 Question and answer 4.5 Visual aids for academic presentation After-class tasks Unit 5 Academic Vocabulary Pre-class tasks In-class reading 5.1 General glimpse of academic vocabulary 5.2 Lexical features in a morphological sense 5.3 Lexical features in a pragmatic sense 5.4 Dictionary skill for academic vocabulary learning 5.5 The application of lexical knowledge After-class tasks Unit 6 Grammar inAcademic English Pre-class tasks In-class tasks 6.1 General glimpse of grammar in academic English 6.2 Nominalization 6.3 Verb tenses and voices 6.4 Complex sentences 6.5 Comparative degree and superlative degree 6.6 Grammar checking tools After-class tasks Unit 7 Translation of English for Science and Technology (EST) Pre-class tasks In-class tasks 7.1 General glimpse of translation of EST 7.2 Translation of the passive voice in EST 7.3 Translation of attributive clauses in EST 7.4 Translation of adverbial clauses in EST 7.5 Think-pair-share activity After-class tasks References |