内容推荐 本书为2019年江苏省高等学校重点建设教材。 本书以STM32F10x处理器和TMS320F28335 DSP为基础,介绍了嵌入式系统基本概念及广泛使用的ARM技术,突出嵌入式系统存储器、地址映射、总线接口等;突出开关量的输入输出、PWM、ADC、通信等;突出嵌入式系统与电力系统应用结合。本书提供了作者设计的库文件和应用案例,以供读者学习与参考。 本书是为高等院校电气工程及其自动化、智能电网等专业编写的嵌入式系统设计、开发及在电力系统应用的通用教材,也可作为工程技术人员进行嵌入式系统开发与应用的参考书。 目录 序言 Preface Chapter 1 Introduction to Embedded Systems 1.1 Hardware overview 1.1.1 CPU 1.1.2 Memory 1.1.3 Bus 1.1.4 1/O Ports 1.2 Embedded Software Design and Development 1.2.1 Software Engineering Life Cycle 1.2.2 Standard Peripherals Library (SPL) and Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) 1.3 Multi-Tasking Design Methodology 1.3.1 Polling 1.3.2 Interrupts 1.3.3 RTOS 1.4 Practice Lab: Getting Started with "hello world 1.4.1 Programming "hello world" with Python 1.4.2 Programming "hello world" with STM32F103 Chapter 2 Embedded C Programming with STM32F103 2.1 Overview 2.2 Reset and Clock Control (RCC) 2.2.1 Reset 2.2.2 Clocks 2.2.3 RCC registers (Partial) 2.2.4 Encapsulated Function 2.3 General-purpose and Alternate-function I/Os (GPIOs and AFIOs) 2.3.1 GPIO Functional Description 2.3.2 Initializing GPIO Directly Using Registers 2.3.3 Using Encapsulated Function 2.3.4 Blink an LED 2.3.5 Lab 1: Reading and Writing GPIO 2.4 PWM 2.4.1 PWM Signal 2.4.2 TIMx Functional Description 2.4.3 Timer Alternate Function Remapping 2.4.4 Configuration 2.4.5 Lab 2-1: Dim an LED Using PWM 2.4.6 Lab 2-2: Capture Rising Edge 2.5 Interrupts and Events 2.5.1 Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) 2.5.2 Lab 3-1: Timer Interrupt 2.5.3 External Interrupt/Event Controller 2.5.4 Lab 3-2: External Interrupt 2.6 Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART) 2.6.1 USART Introduction 2.6.2 USART Functional Description 2.6.3 USART Configuration 2.6.4 Lab 4: Asynchronous Serial Communication 2.7 Direct Memory Access Controller 2.7.1 DMA Functional Description 2.7.2 Macro Definition and Encapsulated Function 2.7.3 USART Configuration 2.7.4 Lab 5: Asynchronous Serial Communication with DMA Chapter 3 Embedded C Programming with TMS320F28335 3.1 GPIO 3.1.1 Configuration 3.1.2 Examples 3.2 Interrupts 3.2.1 Interrupt Sources 3.2.2 Configuration 3.3 Serial Communication Interface (SCI) 3.3.1 Registers and Bit Definitions 3.3.2 SCI Initialization 3.3.3 User Program Chapter 4 Fourier Algorithm 4.1 Phasors and Polarity 4.1.1 Phasors 4.1.2 Polarity 4.2 Fourier Series 4.3 Fourier Algorithm Programming Chapter 5 Differential Relay 5.1 Differential Principle 5.2 Hardware System Design 5.3 Programming Chapter 6 Energy Measurement for Smart Metering 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Realization of Energy Measurement 6.2.1 Overall Design Ideas 6.2.2 HLW8032 Introduction Chapter 7 Remote Terminal Unit 7.1 Overview 7.1.1 RTU Function Introduction 7.1.2 RTU System Design Overview 7.2 RTU Hardware System Design 7.2.1 RTU Hardware System Design Overview 7.2.2 Core Master Control Module 7.2.3 Information Measurement Module 7.2.4 Design of the Analog Input Circuit 7.2.5 Design of Switching Input and Output Circuit 7.2.6 Explanation of Communication Functions 7.2.7 Design of RS-232 Interface Circuit 7.3 Design of RTU Software System 7.3.1 Introduction to Software System Interaction 7.3.2 Core Master Control Module Software 7.3.3 Wireless Communication Module 7.3.4 Remote Software System Appendix A Getting Started with the Keil uVision IDE Appendix B MicroPython Programming with STM32 Appendix C Hardware Circuit Reference |