内容推荐 《职场实用英语交际教程(初级)》以国家和社会对职业人才的新需求为导向,以《实用英语交际职业技能等级标准》为依据,以培养实用英语交际职业技能为目标,以”产出导向”教学法和”体验式学习”理念为教材设计理念,结合职业院校的教学实际编写而成,通过严谨的教学流程设计和丰富的教学活动设计,全面助力职业院校人才培养。本书的特点是聚焦职业能力,培养新时代职业人才;契合证书理念,实现教学评一体;以产出为导向,实现学以致用;代入职场角色,体验真实职场情境。 目录 Unit 1 Announce a team building event Unit 2 Write a hotel reservation email Unit 3 Write a quick operation guide Unit 4 Reply to technical enquiries Unit 5 Make a business trip itinerary Unit 6 Receive a business client Unit 7 Write a market research report Unit 8 Introduce a new product Unit 9 Reply to customer queries Unit 10 Write an order confirmation email |