内容推荐 随着“一带一路”倡议不断推进和走向世界,拥有丰富资源和巨大市场潜力以及强劲基础设施建设需求的非洲国家正以饱满热情积极参与到“一带一路”建设之中,并日渐成为“一带一路”倡议全球推进的重要参与主体。中国企业也成为非洲基础设施建设及工业化发展的重要参与者和建设者。据中国商务部统计,目前至少有百万以上中国人在非洲从事投资贸易、项目建设等经贸活动,有3500多家中资企业在非洲投资兴业。非洲的安全已经与“一带一路”建设、与中国投资及中国人的安全息息相关、密不可分。本报告关注了中非一带一路合作的热点问题,总结了双方合作经验,并对中非一带一路合作以及中非合作论坛的前景进行了展望。 目录 Chapter One The Belt and Road Initiative as a Hot Spot for CooPeration in Arica 1. Geopolitical Concerns of the Belt and Road Cooperation with Africa 2. Changes in Arican Security Situation and Policy Adjustments Facing The Belt and Road Initiative 3. Concern about African Debt Risks under the Cooperation of The Belt and Road Initiative 4. The Belt and Road Initiative Legal Concerns on Cooperation with African Projects Chapter Two The Belt and Road Initiative Project Cooperation Experience in Africa 1. Benefits and Challenges of the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway Project 2. Mombasa-Nairobi Railway Promoting a Model for East African Integration 3. Liaoshen Industrial Park by China and Uganda 4. Confucius Institute at Makerere University, Uganda 5. Sudan Port Constrnetion 6. New Capital Construction in Egypt 7. Mohammed VI Tangier Tech City, Morocco Chapter Three The Belt and Road Initiative and China-Africa Cooperation Forum Prospects 1. The Belt and Road Initiative and Africa Having Achieved Outstanding Results for Common Development 2. China-Africa Belt and Road Initiative Construction in the Post-Epidemic Era |