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书名 | 共赢新时代(高水平开放的中国与世界英文版)(精)/读懂中国 |
分类 | 经济金融-经济-中国经济 |
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出版社 | 外文出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 The world is now facing seismic changes. Unilateralism and protectionismhave fueled a surge of anti-globalization, and the Covid-19 pandemic has addedinstability and uncertainty to the world economy. The international community, now at a crossroads, must choose between multilateralism and unilateralism, openness and isolation, cooperation and confrontation. In the new era, Chinaremains committed to deeper all-round reform and opening up, and willpersevere in promoting an open global economy characterized by mutuallybeneficial cooperation and shared governance. 作者简介 迟福林,研究员,博士生导师,第十一届、十二届全国政协委员。中国(海南)改革发展研究院院长。兼任中国经济体制改革研究会副会长、中国行政体制改革研究会副会长。国家“十三五”规划专家委员会委员。国家行政学院、中国井冈山干部学院、北京大学、浙江大学、东北大学等多家高等院校的特聘教授。 多年致力于经济转轨理论与实践研究,围绕我国改革开放进程中的重大经济、社会问题,在政府转型和基本公共服务均等化等方面进行深入研究。在上述研究领域,共出版中英文专著四十余部,公开发表学术论文八百余篇,形成研究报告七十余部,提交了大量政策建议报告,在决策和实践层面产生了积极影响。曾获得“五个一工程奖”、“孙冶方经济科学论文奖”、“中国发展研究奖”等研究奖项。享受国务院特殊津贴专家,2002年被中组部、中宣部、国家人事部和国家科学技术部联合授予“全国杰出专业技术人才”荣誉称号,2009年入选“影响新中国60年经济建设的100位经济学家”,2015年入选《20世纪中国知名科学家学术成就概览(经济学卷)》。 目录 Foreword Chapter One Openness and Opportunity: A Win-Win for China and the World China's High Level of Openness Is Crucial to Globalization China's High-Level Opening Up Brings Opportunities for the World Promoting an Open World Economy China and the World: Inside the Dynamics of a Changing Relationship A New Global Economic Governance System and the Restructuring of Global Industrial Chain China's New Economy Fuels an Open World Economy: How to Address Thorny Problems in Governance? Chapter Two The Sharing Economy and Dual Circulation: China's NewDevelopment Paradigm The Strategic Vision of the New Development Paradigm Building a More Open Dual-Circulation Paradigm China's Dual Circulation and High-Level Opening Up Dual Circulation Against the Backdrop of High-Level Opening Up The New Characteristics of the Dual Circulation Development Paradigm Chapter Three Rising to the Challenges: Reshaping Multilateral Institutions andInternational Order Responding to Common Challenges with Multilateral Cooperation From Great Power Competition to Great Power Cooperation: Strengthening a Rule-Based International Order Responding to the Challenge of Unilateralism withMultilateralism Restructuring the WTO's Framework of Rules Sharing Some Insight on Recovery to Support Global Rebound China's Economy in an Era of Multilateralism Chapter Four Development and Innovation: A New System for a Higher Level of Open Economy A High Level of Opening Up to the Outside World and NewResponsibilities of the Financial Sector The Three Institutional Pillars for China's High-Level Opening Up: Factor Markets, Dynamic Enterprises and Humanistic Property Rights Promoting a Win-Win Economic and Trade Order for a New Era: Starting from BRI Digital Economy and Cross-Border E-Commerce Rules Formulating Rules of Financial Openness to Accommodate aHigh-Level Opening Up Achieving High-Level Economic Development and Innovation Chapter Five Strategy and Evolution: A High-Level Socialist Market Economy Promoting a High-Quality Market System with More Resilienceand Openness Promoting Institutional Openness Through Governance Reform Institutional Openness to Further Market-Oriented Reform in theService Sector How China's Opening Up Has Evolved: A Case Study of Four Decades of Opening Up in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone |
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