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内容推荐 1903年,德国学者Hermann Diels(1848—1922)出版《前苏格拉底哲学家残篇》(Fragmente der Vorsokratiker)一书,为前苏格拉底哲学的研究提供了系统的原始材料,该书后来经过作者本人和弟子Walther Kranz(1884—1960)的五次修订后达1592页,已成为该领域最权威的资料。 1948年,英国学者Kathleen Freeman教授,将1934年第五版中的古希腊残篇部分全部翻译为英文,由哈佛大学出版社出版。书名全称为Ancilla to Pre-Socratic Philosophers: A Complete Translation of the Fragments in Diels, Fragmente der Vorsokratiker。本次影印即依此版本,并将书名简称为The Fragments of The Pre-Socratic Philosophers。 目录 Orpheus Musaeus Epimenides Hesiod Phocus Cleostraus Pherecydes Theagenes Acusilaus The Seven Sages Thales Anaximander Anaximenes Pythagoras Cercops Petron Bro(n)tinus Hippasos Calliphon and Democedes Parm(en)iscus Xenophanes Heracleitus Epicharmus Alcmaeon Iccus Paron Ameinias Parmenides Zeno Melissus Empedocles Menestor Xuthus Boidas Thrasyalces Ion of Chios Damon Hippon of Samos Phaleas and Hippodamus Polycleitus Oenopides Hippocrates of Chios Theodorus Philolaus Eurytus Archippus. Lysis. Opsimus Archytas Occelus (Ocellus) Timaeus Hicetas Ecphantus Xenophilus Diocles, Echecrates, Polymnastus, Phanton, Arion Prorus, Amyclas, Cleinias Damon and Phintias Simus, Myonides, Euphranor Lycon The Pythagorean School Anaxagoras Archelaus Metrodorus of Lampsacus Cleidemus Idaeus Diogenes of Apollonla Cratylus Antisthenes the Heracleitean Leucippus Democritus Ncssas Metrodorus of Chios Diogenes of Smyrna Anaxarchus Hecataeus of Abdera Apollodorus (of Cyzicus) Nausiphanes Diotimus Bion of Abdera Bolus 'Sophist': Name and Concept Protagoras Xeniades Gorgias Lycophron Prodicus Thrasymachus Hippias Antiphon the Sophist Critias The Anonymous Writer quoted by Iamblichus Twofold Arguments |