简介 |
内容推荐 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) utilizes dedicated theory and technologies to predict, assess and prevent potential electromagnetic interference problems. After giving a brief overview of EMC and the related topics, this book explains basic EMC knowledge, including the properties of potential noise sources, distributed parameters, and modeling methods. Some prerequisites of EMC study, including the electromagnetic theory and signal analysis are also illustrated in a practical viewpoint. Then it discusses the coupling mechanisms, and introduces the electromagnetic interference (EMI) mitigation techniques, what left are application-oriented EMC testing and design topics. To better explain mysterious EMC phenomenon, this book was written with practical cases, and with a hierarchical methodology. It combines experiences and results from years of research by the authors and best practices of international colleagues, makes it an ideal textbook for graduate students, as well as a beneficial reference for researchers and engineers in the area of electronics, electrical engineering, etc. 作者简介 吴琦,北京航空航天大学教授、博士生导师、电磁兼容与电磁环境系主任,某创新团队负责人,曾获全国优秀博士学位论文评选提名,并被授予“青年长江学者”称号。2009年博士毕业于上海交通大学(师从IEEE Fellow金荣洪教授),同年加入北航任教。曾任美国加州大学洛杉矶分校访问学者和德国汉堡工业大学客座教授。现担任中国电子学会电磁兼容分会委员、URSI-B中国分会委员。 吴琦教授主要从事天线与电磁兼容领域的教学和研究工作,发表SCI收录期刊论文40余篇,出版学术作品2部,获国家发明专利授权20余项。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction to EMC 1.1 What is EMC 1.1.1 The Four Aspects of EMC problems 1.1.2 EMC-related Issues and Accidents 1.2 Basic Interference Sources 1.3 Basic Coupling Mechanisms 1.4 Basic Sensitive Equipment 1.4.1 Typical Sensitive Equipment 1.4.2 Susceptibility of Sensitive Equipment 1.5 Overview of EMI Control Techniques 1.6 EMC Foundations 1.7 References 1.8 Quiz Chapter 2 Classification of Noise Sources 2.1 General Classification of Noise Sources 2.2 The Fourier Transform 2.3 Fourier Spectrum of Base Band Signals 2.3.1 Single Trapezoid 2.3.2 Pulse Trains 2.3.3 Double Exponential Pulses 2.4 Fourier Spectrum of Modulated Signals 2.4.1 Analog Modulation 2.4.2 Digital Modulation 2.5 References 2.6 Quiz Chapter 3 Distributed Parameters 3.1 Review of Electromagnetic Theory 3.2 Review of Resistance Concepts 3.2.1 Basic Definitions 3.2.2 Self and Mutual Conductance 3.2.3 Grounding Resistance 3.2.4 Alternating Current Distributions 3.3 Review of Inductance Concepts 3.3.1 Basic Definition of Inductance 3.3.2 Calculation of Inductances 3.3.3 High Frequency Behaviors 3.4 Review of Capacitance Concepts 3.4.1 Basic Definition of Capacitance 3.4.2 Calculation of Capacitance 3.4.3 Grounded Floating and Shielded Conductors 3.4.4 High Frequency Behaviors 3.5 References 3.6 Quiz Chapter 4 Modeling for EMC 4.1 Models and Modeling 4.1.1 Role of Models in EMC 4.1.2 Modeling Methods for EMC 4.2 Modeling of Nonlinearity 4.2.1 Power Series 4.2.2 Volterra Series 4.3 References 4.4 Quiz Chapter 5 Field-field Coupling 5.1 Principle of Radiative Coupling 5.2 Near and Far Field Zones 5.3 Elementary Radiators 5.3.1 Dipole Antenna ( Electric Current Based Radiator) 5.3.2 Loop Antenna ( Magnetic Current Based Radiator) 5.3.3 Aperture Antenna ( Huygens Source) 5.4 Important Antenna Parameters 5.5 Isolation between Antennas 5.5.1 Friis Transmission Equation 5.5.2 Modified Friis Transmission Equation 5.5.3 Isolation on Platform 5.6 References 5.7 Quiz Chapter 6 Wire-wire Coupling 6.1 Galvanic Coupling 6.1.1 Principle of Galvanic Coupling 6.1.2 Two-port Galvanic Coupling Network 6.2 Inductive Coupling 6.2.1 Principle of Inductive Coupling 6.2.2 Two-port Inductive Coupling Network 6.2.3 Calculation of Mutual Inductance 6.3 Capacitive Coupling 6.4 Generalized Weak Coupling 6.5 References 6.6 Quiz Chapter 7 Transmission Line Coupling 7.1 Review of Transmission Line Theory 7.1.1 Telegraphers Equations 7.1.2 Reflections on Transmission Lines 7.2 Transmission Line Coupling 7.2.1 Coupling between Transmission Lines 7.2.2 Effects of Mutual Coupling 7.3 Multi-conductor Transmission Lines 7.3.1 Generalized Telegraphers Equations 7.3.2 Special Solutions of MTL Formulation: Degenerated Modes 7.3.3 General Solutions of MTL Formulation: Normal Modes 7.4 References 7.5 Quiz 7.6 Source Code Chapter 8 Field-wire Coupling 8.1 Multi-conductor Transmission Line Equation 8.1.1 The Equation Associated with Distributed Source 8.1.2 Description of the Distributed Sources 8.2 Analysis of Cables 8.2.1 Twisted Line 8.2.2 Shielded Line 8.3 Penetration Field 8.4 References 8.5 Quiz 8.6 Source Code Chapter 9 Signal Balancing 9.1 Differential Mode and Common Mode 9.1.1 Coaxial line 9.1.2 Coupled Microstrip Line 9.1.3 Parallel Line 9.2 Signal Balancing Methods 9.2.1 Overview 9.2.2 CM Suppressing Transformers 9.3 References 9.4 Quiz Chapter 10 Grounding and Decoupling 10.1 Elements of Proper Grounding 10.1.1 Concept 10.1.2 Classification |