内容推荐 本书引进自剑桥大学出版社,参考了剑桥学习者语料库中的相关资料,是2020年PET改革后考试官方备考教材。本书包含两个部分:第一部分为学生用书,包括12个课堂学习单元和6个复习单元,为读者提供PET考试所需的阅读、写作、听力及口语技能的知识、备考建议和练习题。第二部分为练习册,为读者提供12个单元的练习题,强化训练PET考试所需的听、说、读、写技能。同时,该部分还提供了语法、词汇练习,供考生进行课后练习。 目录 Map of the units Introduction B1 Preliminary for Schools content and overview 1 My life and home 2 At school Vocabulary and grammar review Units 1and2 3 Having fun 4 On holiday Vocabulary and grammar review Units 3 and 4 5 Different feelings 6 That's entertainment! Vocabulary and grammar review Units 5and 6 7 Getting around 8 Influencers Vocabulary and grammar review Units 7and 8 9 Stay fit and healthy 10 Looks amazing! Vocabulary and grammar review Units 9 and 10 11 The natural world 12 Express yourself! Vocabulary and grammar review Units 11 and 12 Grammar reference Phrasal verb builder Irregular verbs Writing bank Speaking bank Extra resources Answer key and audio scripts Acknowledgements |