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内容推荐 本书主题为“回顾与前行”(Looking Back and Moving Ahead),共包括9篇文章,分别从不同的角度,对应用语言学研究的成就与未来发展方向,提出了专家个人的观点。这些观点,对从事语言学研究的学者和一线外语教师有一定的参考价值,值得在具体教学中使用和借鉴。本书也是“剑桥应用语言学年度评论”创刊40周年的总结性之作,在肯定以往刊物所做出成绩的同时,对刊物的发展提出了新的思考,并就应用语言学的研究方向的拓展与细化,做出了前瞻性的展望。 作者简介 艾丽森·麦琪(Alison Mackey),美国Georgetown大学和英国Lancaster大学的双聘教授,《剑桥应用语言学年度评论》主编。研究方向:二语习得。 目录 总序 胡壮麟 导读 赵静 1.The Annual Review of Applied Linguistics at 40: Looking Back and Moving Ahead Alison Mackey 2.Developing, Analyzing and Sharing Multivariate Datasets:Individual Differences in L2 Learning Revisited Kazuya Saito, Konstantinos Macmillan, Tran Mai,Yui Suzukida, Hui Sun, Viktoria Magne, Meltem Ilkan and Akira Murakami 3.Outliers in L2 Research in Applied Linguistics: A Synthesis and Data Re-Analysis Christopher Nicklin and Luke Plonsky 4.Neurostimulation and Pupillometry: New Directions for Learning and Research in Applied Linguistics Nick B.Pandza,Ian Phillips,Valerie P.Karuzis,Polly O'Rourke and Stefanie E.Kuchinsky 5.Indigenous Language Revitalization and Applied Linguistics: Parallel Histories,Shared Futures? Onowa McIvor 6.African Americans in World Language Study: The Forged Path and Future Directions Uju Anya 7.Reflect, Revisit, Reimagine: Language Assessment in ARAL Carol A.Chapelle 8.Reflect, Revisit, Reimagine: Ethnography of Language Policy and Planning Nancy H.Hornberger 9.Is an Antiracist and Decolonizing Applied Linguistics Possible? Suhanthie Motha 10.Sampling Bias and the Problem of Generalizability in Applied Linguistics Sible Andringa and Aline Godfroid 导语 本书对《应用语言学年度评论》的历史进行了回顾,为有兴趣的研究者提供了开放性数据,提倡保护濒危的传统语言,并对与此相关的研究做了介绍和评价,对未来的研究方向和研究中可能出现的问题提出了前瞻性看法,值得国内学者学习借鉴。 |