内容推荐 本书是一本论文集,以史诗与罗曼司两种体裁为视角和切入点研究中世纪欧洲文学。在中世纪文学研究领域,将中世纪文本置于其所处时代的语境化研究尚处于萌芽时期。本书继承W.P.Ker的《史诗与罗曼司:论中世纪文学》的研究传统,对中世纪文学进行深入的挖掘。所选文章涉及对W.P.Ker的批评和反思、中世纪英语长诗《贝奥武甫》、中世纪冰岛、西班牙、德国、法国文学等,研究方法有语文学研究、新历史主义研究和叙事学研究等。 作者简介 伦纳德·耐道夫,纽约大学文学学士,哈佛大学文学博士,南京大学英语系教授,主要研究方向为中世纪英语文学与英语历史。 目录 Introduction Epic,Romance,Lay and Ballad:W.P.Ker’s Pivotal Role in the History of Scholarship What Can We Leam from EPics and Romances? Epic and Romance in Welsh and Irish The Hybrid Chansons de geste:An Epic—Romance Compromise? Beginnings and Endings in the Elegiac Poetry of the Early Medieval North The Icelandic Family Sagas:W.P.Ker and Interpreting the Historical Elements,a Post—Colonial Struggle The Dialogic Town in the Arthurian Romances of Chrtien de Troyes Middle English Romance:The Strange Tale of the English Axemen and the Norman Knights The Epic Scale of Heroic Geographies:Beowulf,Waldere,and Waltharius The Queens of Beowulf Gender,Violence and Community “Mythology Within Bounds”:Heroic Narrative in Eddic Poetry The Narrative Plan of Njal’Saga The Nibelungenlied,Kudrun,Biterolf und Dietleib:Some Observations on the Concept of the Heroic and the“Genre”of Medieval German Heroic Epic The Nibelungenlied and W.P.Ker:Older Philology and the Future of Medieval Studies The Persistence of the Heroic Ideal in Post—Heroic Age Scandinavian Romance Literature Mediterranean Border Epics:Frontier Ethos in Cantar de Mio Cid and Digenes Akrites Representing the Sensorium in Medieval Romance:Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Other Texts Mixture and MiscIlief in a Medieval Irish Heroic Tale Celtic Influence on French Romance Fighting the Giant in French Epic and Romance Arthul Meets Charlemagne:Echoes of chansons de geste in French verse romances from Chrdtien de Troyes to Escanor A View from the Printshop:Malory,Caxton,and Medieval Narrative Form |