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书名 旅顺博物馆藏敦煌写本六祖坛经校写与英译(汉英对照)
分类 人文社科-哲学宗教-宗教
出版社 宗教文化出版社
二、惠能说法(Huineng’S preaching)
四、五祖集门人索偈(The Fifth Patriarch gathers his disciples and requests gathas)
五、诸门人不敢呈偈(The disciples dare not present their gathas)
六、神秀书偈(Shenxiu writes his gatha)
七、五祖见偈(The Fifth Patriarch sees the gatha)
八、惠能作偈(ttuinengcomposeshis gatha)
九、惠能受法(Huineng receivestheDharma)
十、惠能向南(Huineng heads south)
十一、惠顺求法(Huishun seeks the Dharma)
十二、般若智自有之(The self-naturedprajna)
十三、定惠体一(Concentration and wisdom are ofone unity)
十四、一行三昧(The one-act samadhi)
十五、定惠如灯光(Concentration and wisdom compared to a lamp and its light)
十六、法无顿渐(Thereisno suddenorgradualtotheDharma)
十七、无念为宗亦不立(No-thought as the guiding principle and even this not posited)
十八、坐禅不著心不看净(Inmeditation,neitherbecomeattached to mind nor contemplate purity)
十九、坐禅一切无碍(In meditation,all is unobstructed)
二十、见自三身佛(Witness the threefold body ofthe Buddha within yourself)
二十一、四弘大愿(The four great VOWS)
二十二、无相忏悔(The formless repentance)
二十四、大智惠到彼岸(The great wisdom that leads to the yonder shore)
二十五、摩诃解义(On the Sanskritword‘Maha
二十六、般若波罗蜜解义(On pr~na.paramita)
二十七、从一般若生八万四千智慧(84,000 forms ofwisdom generated from the one prajna)
二十八、持金刚经即见性入般若三昧(To see your nature and enter the samadhi of pr~na,hold to The Diamond Sutra)
二十九、小根不悟大智能修(Thoseofsmall capacitydonotunderstand why the wise can practice、
三十、一切法尽在自身中(All dharmas are immanent in the self-nature)
三十一、自心善知识三昧解脱(The enlightening friends= within one’S own mind and the samadhi liberation)
三十二、发大誓愿不退菩提须分付此法(Making the great VOW to never regress from enlightenment and topasson the Dharma)
三十三、无相《灭罪颂》 (A formless verse for the eradication of sins)
三十四、修福与功德有别(There is a difference between blessings cultivation and true merit)
三十六、在家修行无相颂(The markless verse on lay practice)
三十七、大师归漕溪山(The Master retums to Mt.Caoxi)
三十八、无《坛经》秉承非南宗弟子(Those who have not received the Sutra are not disciples of the Southern Sch001)
三十九、南能北秀(Huineng in the south and Shenxiu in the north)
四十、志诚来参(Zhicheng comes for counsel)
四十一、大师为志诚说戒定慧(The Master preaches to Zhicheng about disciplines.concentration and wisdom)
四十二、法达来参(Fada comes forcounsel)
四十三、智常来参(Zhichang comes for counsel)
四十四、神会来参(Shenhui comes for counsel)
四十五、三科法门(The dharma—gate of the three categories)
四十六、三十六对法(The principle ofthe thirty-six pairs ofopposites)
四十七、不秉授《坛经》非吾宗旨(Whoever has not received the Sutra does not have the guiding principle)
四十八、大师告刖真假动静偈(The Master’s farewell verse on the true,the false,the moving,and the still
四十九、五祖师传衣付法颂及大师颂(The five patriarchs’verseson the transmittal of the robe and the Dharma along with the Master’s stanza
五十、大师二颂(Two verses bequeathed by the Master)
五十一、历代传法祖师(The patriarchs ofantiquity who have passed down the Dharma)
五十二、见真佛解脱颂(Song ofthe liberation ofseeing the true Buddha)
五十三、自性真佛解脱颂(Verse of the liberation of the true Buddha of one’s own self-nature
五十四、灭后奇瑞送葬立碑(Miraculous signs,the funeral,and the erection of the stele after the Master’S extinctions)
五十五、《坛经》传授(The Su仃a is transmitted)
五十六、如付此法须得上根知(Ifthis Dharma is to be passed on it must be to one ofsuperior wisdom)
五十七、流通品(On the dissemination ofthis sutra)




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