内容推荐 本书立足于“新丝路新进展”的视角,讲述“一带一路”的故事,讲述几年来“一带一路”倡议给世界带来的中国经验、中国模式和中国分享给世界的“一带一路”精神,全面展现“一带一路”地区的发展成果,想世界汇报“一带一路”对世界和平与发展做出的贡献。 目录 Success stories: New era, new milestones The Belt and Road: From concept to joint action, from vision to fruitful reality A new high in the new era Five upgrades associated with the Belt and Road Initiative Practice and theory about the Belt and Road Initiative The progress in pursuing the Belt and Road Initiativeexceeds expectations Significance: Innovative global governance Belt and Road Initiative: A sandbox for global governanceinnovation The Belt and Road Initiative and global climate governance Belt and Road Initiative, a new starting point for China-Africa relations The Belt and Road Initiative benefiting the Chinese and Latin American people Digital economy and ASEAN-China connectivity Motivation: Community with a shared future formankind Why did the West begin to embrace the Belt and Road Initiative? High-quality development of the Belt and Road needs closerpeople-to-people ties Relationships to be coordinated in the pursuit of the Belt and Road Initiative The pandemic won't stand in the way of pursuing the Belt and Road Initiative China's practices and prospects in third-market coopera-tion Looking ahead: Sustainability and benefit for all A three-step strategy for the Belt and Road Initiative Survey: How China is perceived in countries along the Beltand Road routes? What high-quality development of the Belt and Road meansfor businesses? China International Import Expo boosts sustainable develop-ment of the Belt and Road |