内容推荐 全国政协中非友好小组致力于多层次多领域开展对非友好交流合作,与非洲国家加强治国理政经验交流是其职责所在。为讲好中国扶贫脱贫故事,全国政协中非友好小组向各省、自治区、直辖市政协征集当地精准脱贫的典型案例,并从中精选出100个加以编辑,与中国非洲研究院合作,以中文、英文、法文三种语言出版发行《中国精准脱贫100例》系列丛书。丛书分为三册,第一册为通过发展生产脱贫典型案例,第二册为生态环保和易地搬迁脱贫典型案例,第三册为教育和社会保障脱贫典型案例。 目录 Business Investment and Production Development 1. Gratifying Changes in the Initial Place of the Targeted Poverty Alleviation 2. Integrating the Targeted Poverty Alleviation into the Whole Process of Poverty Alleviation Through Creating New Businesses 3. Combining Long-term and Short-term Targeted Poverty Alleviation Policies for a Steady Increase of Income 4. Implementing the Targeted Poverty Alleviation Through Order Plus Technology 5. Adopting Land Trusteeship to Solve the Problem of Unprofitable Farming 6. Poverty-Alleviation Workshop in Front of the Door: A Happy Family for People's Employment and Enrichment 7. Building an Industrial Chain of Characteristic Agricultural Products to Help Alleviate Poverty 8. Overall Planning and Promoting Changes in Agricultural Production Mode 9. Gathering Strength from Cooperatives to Companies for Poverty Alleviation 10. Innovating Breeding Modes to Promote Poverty Alleviation and Prosperity 11. Farmer Field School: A New Model for Poverty Alleviation 12. Entrepreneurship Counseling and Promoting the Level of Specialized Poverty Alleviation 13. "Industrial Village Heads" Driving Poverty Alleviation Through Creating New Businesses 14. Making Big Industries Out of Small Brooms …… Ecological Protection and Relocation Implementation of Education and Social Security |