内容推荐 中尺度气象学是气象学的一个重要分支,主要研究大气中尺度系统。它们是造成很多严重灾害性天气(如灾害性大风、暴雨、冰雹、龙卷等)的原因。关于中尺度天气系统的机制和预报理论及方法的研究,是当代大气科学中最受人们关注的研究领域之一。 本书是对这一领域的知识的概要介绍。内容包括:中尺度大气运动的特征;地形性中尺度环流;自由大气重力波;锋和急流,中尺度对流系统;大气不稳定性;影响中尺度对流系统发生发展的因子;中尺度天气的诊断和预报。 本书适合于作为高等学校大气科学或相关专业的本科生及研究生教材或气象及相关学科的科研及业务人员的参考材料。 目录 Preface Chapter 1 Features and Equation Set of Mesoscale Atomospheric Motions 1.1 The scale division of atmospheric motion systems 1.2 Basic features of mesoscale atmospheric motions 1.3 Equations set for describing mesoscale motions References Chapter 2 Topographically Forced Mesoscale Circulations 2.1 Topographic waves 2.2 Circulations in wake 2.3 Urban heat island circulation 2.4 Sea-land breeze 2.5 Mountain and valley breeze References Chapter 3 Gravity Waves in Free Atmosphere 3.1 Basic features of gravity waves 3.2 Dynamic features of gravity waves 3.3 Structure and influences of gravity waves 3.4 Development of gravity waves 3.5 Development of the gravity waves near the upper level jet streak References Chapter 4 Front and Jet Stream 4.1 Structure of the front 4.2 Kinematic and thermodynamic frontogenesis 4.3 Dynamic frontogenesis 4.4 The factors influencing frontogenesis 4.5 Frontal lateral secondary circulation 4.6 Jet stream 4.7 Mesoscale fronts in boundary layer References Chapter 5 Mesoscale Convective Systems 5.1 Isolated convective systems 5.2 Belt-shaped convective systems 5.3 Mesoscale convective complex (MCC) References Chapter 6 Atmospheric Instabilities 6.1 Conditional instability 6.2 Conditional instability of second kind (CISK) 6.3 Wave-CISK 6.4 Inertial instability 6.5 Conditional symmetric instability 6.6 Kelvin-Helmholtz instability References Chapter 7 Factors Effecting the Development of MCSs 7.1 The relationship between the atmospheric potential instability and convection 7.2 The factors influencing on convective clouds 7.3 The effect of the vertical wind shear on propagation of convective storm 7.4 The comprehensive effect of the environmental thermal and dynamic conditions on the intensity and types of the convective storms 7.5 The effect of the vertical wind shear on the organization and splitting of the storms 7.6 The effect of the vertical wind shear on formation of tornado storms References Chapter 8 Mesoscale Weather Diagnosis Analysis 8.1 co equation 8.2 Analysis of Q vector 8.3 Analysis of potential vorticity 8.4 Analysis of the helicity 8.5 Analysis of the atmospheric instability 8.6 Some case studies of the severe weather References Chapter 9 Mesoseale Weather Forecasting 9.1 Methodology of mesoscale weather forecasting 9.2 Diagnosis and forecasting of heavy rain 9.3 Analysis and forecasting of the severe convective weather 9.4 Data and tools applied in nowcasting and VSRF References |