内容推荐 本书是江苏省轮机工程技术品牌专业建设教材,力求使轮机专业学生通过学习本书的内容掌握轮机维护与修理的能力。全书共分为九章内容,包括:损坏与维护;摩擦;侵蚀;疲劳断裂;发现并诊断缺陷;修理技能;船舶修理;船舶柴油机大修和维护;船舶轴系。 目录 Chapter 1 Failure and Maintenance 1.1 Failure 1.2 Maintenance 1.3 Ship's Maintenance and Survey Systems Chapter 2 Tribology 2.1 Tribology 2.2 Friction 2.3 Wear 2.4 Lubrication 2.5 Lubricant 2.6 Cylinder Lubrication 2.7 Sleeve Bearing Lubrication Chapter 3 Corrosion 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Hot Corrosion 3.3 Electrochemical Corrosion 3.4 Control of Corrosion 3.5 Cavitation Chapter 4 Fatigue Failure 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Characteristics of Fatigue Fracture Surfaces 4.3 Nature of the Fatigue Process 4,4 Recognition of Fatigue Failure 4.5 Cyclic Stresses 4.6 Factors Affecting Fatigue Life 4.7 Preventing Fatigue Failure 4.8 Thermal Fatigue 4.9 Crankshaft Fatigue Failure Chapter 5 Defect Detection and Fault Diagnostics 5.1 Defect Detection 5.2 Machine Condition Monitoring and Faults Diagnosis Chapter 6 Repairing Technologies 6.1 Electroplating 6.2 Thermal Spray Coating 6.3 Welding 6.4 Metal Stitching 6.5 Adhesion 6.6 Shot Peening Chapter 7 Ship Repair 7.1 Types of Ship Repair 7.2 Drydocking 7.3 Dismantling Techniques 7.4 Mechanical and Chemical Cleaning 7.5 Mooring Test and Sea Trial Chapter 8 Overhauling and Maintenance of Marine Diesel Engine 8.1 Cylinder Head 8.2 Cylinder Liner 8.3 Piston 8.4 Piston Ring 8.5 Crankshaft 8.6 Bearing 8.7 Precision Couplings 8.8 Turbocharger Chapter 9 Ship's Shafting 9.1 Introduction of Ship's Shafting 9.2 Stern Tube Arrangement 9.3 Shafts and Bearings 9.4 Propeller 9.5 Shaft Alignment Reference