内容推荐 本书针对工科院校飞行器设计专业高年级本科生的特点,结合编者多年教学实践经验,介绍了从事飞行器结构分析和设计相关的专业基础知识,编写特点主要包括:1、面向工程,注重建模,书中所选案例都是结合航天器、飞机、火箭等工程结构,凸显由工程模型抽象为力学模型的过程,使学生在较短的时间内建立总体概念;2、强调基础、注重推导,阐明基本力学概念、假设和原理的同时,注重培养学生的分析解决问题的能力;3、有所取舍、重点突出,对飞行器中典型薄壁结构进行讲解,使学生具备更深入学习和研究的基础。 目录 Chapter 1 Structural Loads and Materials 1.1 Flight Vehicle Structures and Materials 1.2 Rocket Loads and Airframe Design Chapter 2 Trusses, Beams and Frames 2.1 Trusses 2.2 Frames 2.3 Matrix Displacement Method Chapter 3 Engineering Beam Theory for Thin-walled Structure 3.1 Bending of Open and Closed Section Beams 3.2 Shear of Open and Closed Section Beams 3.3 Torsion of Open and Closed Section Beams 3.4 Structural Idealization Chapter 4 Fundamental Concepts of Applies Elasticity 4.1 Stress 4.2 The Plane Stress Problem 4.3 Strain 4.4 Stress-Strainequations for Isotropic Elastic Materials 4.5 Saint-Venant' s Principle 4.6 Inverse and Semi-inverse Methods Chapter 5 Plates and Shells 5.1 Analysis of Shells with Flat Elements 5.2 Flat Shell Theory 5.3 Pure Bending of Thin Plates 5.4 Navier Solution Chapter 6 The Finite Element Analysis 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Problems in Linear Elasticity and Fields 6.3 Shape Functions, Derivatives and Integration Chapter 7 Structural Dynamics 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Single DOF Systems Free Vibrations without Damping 7.3 Force Vibrations of Single Degree of Freedom Systems without Dampings 7.4 Free Vibrations with Viscous Damping 7.5 Finite Element Method for Dynamics Bibliography