内容推荐 “快捷英语”打破了小学英语课本版别的限制,与课标完全接轨。全书共分16个小学生常见话题,每周一个话题,让小学生的听力训练更有计划性;所有话题均贴近小学生日常生活,如爱好、家庭、购物、指路等,要能激发小学生听英语的兴趣。 《小学英语阅读周周练(3年级第2版)》是其中一册。 目录 Week 1 Animals动物 1.Old MacDonald Has a Farm 2.Animal Mums and Dads 3.We Love Animals Week 2 Family家庭 4.My Family 5.I Have a Big Family 6.MY Family Tree Week 3 School Life学校生活 7.Time for School,Mouse 8.Fun at School 9.My Day Week 5 Food and Drink食物和饮料 13.I Like Hamburgers 14.Making a Sandwich 15.Cookies,Cookies Week 6 Homes家 16.Homes 17.I Love My House 18.Betty’S Room Week 7 Seasons and Weather季节与天气 19.Seasons 20.Snow 21.How’S the Weather Week 9 Colours颜色 25.Tell Me…Now 26.Iots a ColourfuI Clown 27.Lots of Balls Week 10 Spods运动 28.Sports Day 29.What’s YourFavouriteSport 30.My PE Class Week 11 Daily Life日常生活 31.In the Morning 32.My Morning 33.The Ball on the Floor Week 12 Shopping购物 34.Betty’S Shopping List 35.Shopping 36.The Toy Shop Week 13 Transportation交通 37.How Do You Go to WOrk 38.Play and Ride 39.Trucks Week 14 Birthday生日 40.When Is Your Birthday 41.WelcometoMyBirthdayParty 42.A Birthday Card Week 15 Clothes服装 43.I Have Lots of Clothes 44.The Snowman 45.Riddles Week 16 Jobs工作 46.What DO YOU Do 47.What Is Your Job 48.Kids and Their Teacher