内容推荐 《新编大学英语(综合教程2第4版)》是针对全国普通高等院校非英语专业学生研发的大学英语基础课综合教材。本教材包含八个单元,每个单元由两篇文章组成。书中题材丰富,话题涵盖休闲、自然与环境、科学技术、旅行等。教材在设计中继续秉承“以学生为中心”的教学理念,将国家人才培养需求作为教材编写的出发点和立足点,体现大学英语教学改革最新趋势,参考《中国英语能力等级量表》的五、六级能力描述进行设计和编写,以立德树人为宗旨,以提升学生的实际语言应用能力为重点,兼顾思辨能力与跨文化交际能力的培养,期待为新时期的高校师生们提供全新的大学英语教、学体验。 目录 UNIT 1 Mind the gap Reading 1 What Americans don't get about China Reading 2 Dawn of the Chinese millennials Unit project Are Chinese millennials a lucky generation? UNIT 2 On the road Reading 1 Travel in Europe Reading 2 Why we all take the same travel photos Unit project Pictures and the moments behind them UNIT 3 Just relax! Reading 1 A love letter to long-distance running Reading 2 Our parents discovered leisure. We killed it. Unit project Turn your hobby into a business UNIT 4 Dose gender mather? Reading 1 Why men don't like shopping and most women do Reading 2 Women write about family; men write about war Unit project Single-sex classrooms vs. mixed-sex classrooms UNIT 5 The power of words Reading 1 Have a lover, have friends, or read books? Reading 2 The betrayal by my precious dictionary Unit project Panel discussion of netspeak in newspapers UNIT 6 Your are what you eat Reading 1 The story of a nation in sandwiches Reading 2 Taking local on the road P155 Unit project An international food festival UNIT 7 Nature's gifts Reading 1 Let there be dark Reading 2 For this big fish, there's no place like home Unit project Protecting nature UNIT 8 Technology: controllers or helpers? Reading 1 The Mozart in the machine Reading 2 Why you like what you like Unit project Tomorrowland in 2050 英语篇章写作 U校园智慧教学云平台使用指南 |