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书名 量子力学(对称性第2版影印版)(英文版)
分类 科学技术-自然科学-物理
作者 (德)W.格雷纳//B.穆勒
出版社 世界图书出版公司
《量子力学:对称性:第2版》是德国著名理论物理学家W. Greiner教授编著的13卷集的理论物理学系列教科书之一。本书从量子力学中的对称性入手,分别介绍了动量算子的角动量代数表示、李群的基本性质、对称群及其物理含义、同位旋群、超荷、SU(3)对称、夸克和SU(3)、置换群的表示和杨图;然后以数学漫游的形式介绍了群特征标、粲粒子与SU(4)。另外,本书还介绍了特殊离散对称、动力学对称。最后以数学漫游的形式介绍了非紧致李群。本书写作形式新颖,取材广泛深入,写作方法生动明了,适合物理专业本科生和研究生。
1.Symmetries in Quantum Mechardcs
1.1 Symmetries in Classical Physics
1.2 Spatial Translations in Quantum Mechanics
1.3 The Unitary Translation Operator
1.4 The Equation of Motionfor States Shifted in Space
1.5 Symmetry and Degeneracy of States
1.6 Time Displacements in Quantum Mechanics
1.7 Mathematical Supplement: Definition ofa Group
1.8 Mathematical Supplement: Rotations and their Group Theoretical Properties
1.9 An Isomorphism of the Rotation Group
1.9.1 Infinitesimal and Finite Rotations
1.9.2 Isotropy of Space
1.10 The Rotation Opemtor for Many-Particle States
1.11 Biographical Notes
2.Angular Momentum Algebra Representation of Angular Momentum Operators: Generators of SO(3)
2.1 Irreducible Representations of the Rotation Group
2.2 Matrix Representations of Angular Momentum Operators
2.3 Addition of Two Angular Momenta
2.4 Evaluation of Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients
2.5 Recursion Relations for Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients
2.6 Explicit Calculation of Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients
2.7 Biographical Notes
3.Mathematical Supplement: Fundamental Properties of Lie Groups
3.1 General Structure of Lie Groups
3.2 Interpretation of Commutators as Generalized Vector Products, Lie's Theorem,Rank 0f Lie Group
3.3 Invariant Subgroups, Simple and Semisimple Lie Groups, Ideals
3.4 Compact Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
3.5 Invariant Operators(Casimir Operators)
3.6 Theorem of Racah
3.7 Comments on Multiplets
3.8 Invariance Under a Symmetry Group
3.9 Construction of the Invariant Operators
3.10 Remark on Casimir Operators of Abelian Lie Groups
3.11 Completeness Relation for Casimir Operators
3.12 Review of Some Groups and Their Properties
3.13 The Connection Between Coordinate Transformations and Tlransformations of Functions
3.14 Biograohical Notes
4.Symmetry Groups and Their Physical Meaning General Considerations
4.1 Biographical Notes
5.The Isospin Group(Isobaric Spin)
5.1 Isospin Operators for a Multi-Nucleon System
5.2 General Properties of Representations of a Lie Algebra
5.3 Regular (or Adjoint) Representation of a Lie Algebra
5.4 Transformation Law for Isospin Veetors
5.5 Experimental Test of Isospin Invariance
5.6 Biographical Notes
6.The Hypercharge
6.1 Biographical Notes
7.The SU(3) Symmetry
7.1 The Groups U(n) and SU(n)
7.1.1 The Generators of U(n)and SU(n)
7.2 The Generators of SU(3)
7.3 The Lie Algebra of SU(3)
7.4 The Subalgebras of the SU(3) Lie Algebra and the Shift Operators
7.5 Coupling of T, U and V Multiplets
7.6 Quantitative Analysis of Our Reasoning
7.7 Further Remarks About the Geometric Form of an SU(3) Multiplet
7.8 The Number of States on Mesh Points on Inner Shells
8.Quarks and SU(3)
8.1 Searching for Quarks
8.2 The Tralasformation Properties of Quark States
8.3 Construction of all SU(3) Multiplets from the Elementary Representations [3] and [3]
8.4 Construction of the Representation D(p, q) from Quarks and Antiquarks
8.4.1 The Smallest SU(3)Representations
8.5 Meson Multiplets
8.6 Rules for the Reduction of Direct Products of SU(3) Multiplets
8.7 U-Spin Invariance
8.8 Test of U-Spin Invariance
8.9 The Gell-Mann-Okubo Mass Formula
8.10 The Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients of the SU(3)
8.11 Quark Models with Inner Degrees of Freedom
8.12 The Mass Formula in SU(6)
8.13 Magnetic Moments in the Quark Model
8.14 Excited Meson and Baryon States
8.14.1 Combinations of More Than Three Quarks
8.15 Excited States with Orbital Angular Momentum
9.Representations of the Permutation Group and Young Tableaux
9.1 The Permutation Group and Identical Particles
9.2 The Standard Form of Young Diagrams
9.3 Standard Form and Dimension of Irreducible Representations of the Permutation Group SN
9.4 The Connection Between SU(2)and S2
9.5 Th




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