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书名 | 都柏林人的全景式社会思维--认知叙事学研究(英文版)(精) |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | 张之俊 |
出版社 | 清华大学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书运用认知叙事学领域中的社会思维理论,探讨《都柏林人》小说集中的人物思维互动。本书首先探讨了开篇《姊妹们》,认为其显露出小说集的社会思维状况;其次,本书确立了显性与隐性社会思维;最后分析了末篇《死者》,指出其为小说集的社会思维起到了收尾作用。本书聚焦思维互动,通过文本细致分析,充分展现了都柏林人群体瘫痪精神,深入挖掘了瘫痪这一主题的根源,展现了全景式社会思维。 本书适合对语言、文学与认知界面研究感兴趣的研究生与科研人员阅读,也适合热衷于《都柏林人》的读者阅读。 作者简介 张之俊,外国语言文学博士,现于中国地质大学(北京)外国语学院任教。研究领域包括认知叙事学、文体学与乔伊斯作品研究。主持中国外语教材研究专项课题、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目优秀教师基金项目及校级教改等项目。在《国外文学》、《外语研究》等中文外语类核心期刊发表论文数篇。曾获国家留学基金委资助,分别在美国和英国高校做访问学者。曾获2010年北京市高等教育学会研究生英语教学研究分会第二届青年教师基本功比赛特等奖,2018年第九届“外教社杯”全国高校外语教学大赛(英语类专业组)北京赛区英语专业组一等奖。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Previous Research on Dubliners and Fictional Social Minds 2.1 General Criticisms on Dubliners 2.1.1 The Early Period 2.1.2 The Transitional Period 2.1.3 The Later Period 2.2 Research on Minds in Dubliners 2.2.1 The Textual Approach 2.2.2 The Contextual Approach 2.3 Narratological Approaches to Fictional Minds 2.3.1 The Traditional Narratological Approach 2.3.2 The Cognitive Narratological Approach 2.4 Research on Social Minds in Fictions Chapter 3 Social Mind Theory and Analytical Framework 3.1 The Social Nature of Mind 3.2 The Social Mind Theory 3.2.1 Palmer's Response to Classical Methodologies 3.2.2 The Centrality of Mind 3.2.3 The Social Mind in Action 3.3 Introducing the Social Mind Theory into Dubliners 3.3.1 Applicability of the Social Mind Theory in Dubliners 3.3.2 Improvement on the Social Mind Theory for Dubliners 3.4 An Analytical Framework Chapter 4 The Social Minds in "The Sisters": An Exposure 4.1 The Opening: The Boy's Publicly Engaged Mind 4.2 The Boy's Relationship with the Secular Adults 4.2.1 Unreadability of the Male Adults’ Mind 4.2.2 The Boy's Dramaturgical Action 4.2.3 Unreadability of the Female Adults’ Mind 4.2.4 The Boy's "Disappearance 4.2.5 Inescapability from the Secular World 4.3 The Boy's Relationship with Father Flynn 4.3.1 Attributional Difficulty 4.3.2 Inescapability from the Religious World 4.4 Interpretative Uncertainty 4.5 Summary Chapter 5 The Overt Social Minds 5.1 Tacit Complicity in "The Boarding House 5.1.1 Communal Thought on Mrs. Mooney, Jack and Polly 5.1.2 Intermental Thought: Tacit Complicity between Mother and Daughter 5.1.3 Ideology: Tacit Co mplicity a mong Ideological Forces 5.2 Open Complicity in "Grace 5.2.1 Foregrounded Communal Perception and Thought 5.2.2 Intermental Thought: Open Complicity 5.2.3 Ideology: Open Complicity between the Church and the Mammon 5.3 Political Anosognosia in "Ivy Day in the Committee Room 5.3.1 The Opening: "Allegory of the Cave 5.3.2 Hynes' Debut: Failed Enlightenment 5.3.3 No Alcohol Served: Unmasking the Political Anosognosia 5.3.4 Alcohol Served: Fortifying the Political Anosognosia 5.4 Summary Chapter 6 The Covert Social Minds 6.1 Group Servility 6.1.1 Group Servility to the Colonialism 6.1.2 Group Servility to the Church 6.1.3 Females’ Group Servility to the Patriarchy 6.2 Group Self-Unknowing 6.2.1 Group Self-Deception 6.2.2 Group Anosognosia 6.3 Group Isolation 6.3.1 Individuals against Crowds 6.3.2 Group Self-Division 6.4 Summary Chapter 7 The Social Minds in "The Dead": A Closure 7.1 The Dublin Bourgeois Communal Thought 7.1.1 Communal Thought: Bourgeois Pretentiousness 7.1.2 Communal Thought: Bourgeois Hypocrisy 7.2 Gabriel's Encounters with Three Females 7.2.1 Gabriel's Encounter with Lily 7.2.2 Gabriel's Encounter with Miss Ivors 7.2.3 Gabriel's Encounter with Gretta 7.3 The Ending: Gabriel's Epiphany 7.4 Summary Chapter 8 Conclusion Bibliography Appendix A Synopses of the Fifteen Stories in Dubliners Appendix B Composition Time of the Dubliners Stories |
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