内容推荐 《大学物理实验》专门为外国留学生、合作办学学生和准备出国留学的学生编写的物理实验教材,所选实验内容紧扣大学物理教材,介绍了常用物理量的测量、常用仪器的结构及使用,涵盖测量方法、误差理论、数据处理、力学、电学、光学等内容。全书共编入20个经典实验。 《大学物理实验》可作为高等院校各专业的物理实验双语教材,也可作为教师或科技人员的参考书。 目录 Chapter I Introduction 1.1 The Definition of Measurement and the Basic Knowledge 1.2 Error and Uncertainty 1.3 Uncertainty Assessment of Direct Measurement 1.4 Uncertainty Assessment of Indirect Measurement 1.5 Common Methods of Analyzing and Processing Data 1.6 Effective Numbers and Their Operations Chapter II Experiment 2.1 Research on Standing Wave on String 2.2 Measurement of Metal Linear Expansion Coefficient 2.3 Planck Constant Measured by Photoelectric Effect 2.4 Use Hall Effect to Measure Magnetic Field 2.5 Ultrasonic Sound Velocity Measurement 2.6 Holography 2.7 Volt-Ampere Behavior of Linear Resistors and Nonlinear Resistors 2.8 Modification and Calibration of Meters 2.9 Measure the Gravitational Acceleration with the Kate Pendulum 2.10 Measure the Resistance with Electric Bridge 2.11 Use Compound Pendulum Method to Determine the Moment of Inertia of the Metal Ring 2.12 The Principle and Use of the Oscilloscope 2.13 Measurement of Young's Modulus of Elasticity by Successive Difference Method 2.14 The Adjustment and Use of the Spectrometer 2.15 Prism Refractive Index Measurement 2.16 Determination of Air Specific Heat Capacity Ratio 2.17 Measurement of Focal Length of Thin Lens 2.18 Temperature Characteristics of Thermistor 2.19 Research on Steady State Characteristics of RLC Circuit 2.20 Wavelength Measurement with Diffraction Grating |