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书名 区域规划概论(中国近现代高校城乡规划专业规划推荐教材)
分类 科学技术-建筑-建筑理论与文化
作者 武廷海
出版社 中国建筑工业出版社
第1章 导论
1 Introduction
1.1 中国近现代区域规划的特殊意义
1.1 Significance of regional planning in modern China
1.2 中国近现代区域规划的发展脉络
1.2 Reexamining regional planning in modern China
1.3 国际视野中的中国近现代区域规划
1.3 Chinese modern regional planning in international perspective
1.4 研究思路与组织结构
1.4 Theoretical perspective and organization of the book
1.5 重要术语辨析与界定
1.5 Delimitation and definition of key concepts
第2章 近代区域规划思想与实践
2 Early thoughts and practices of regional planning in modern China
2.1 清末民初的区域建设实践(1840-1915年)
2.1 Practices of regional development during 1840-1915
2.2 张謇的“村落主义”与区域现代化实践(1895-1926年)
2.2 Zhang Jian's "villagism" and exploration of regional modernization (1895-1926)
2.3 孙中山《建国方略》之“实业计划”(1918-1921年)
2.3 “The Industrial Plan" in Sun Yat-Sen's "Plan for National Reconstruction" (1918-1921)
2.4 “黄金十年”的区域规划与建设(1927-1937年)
2.4 Regional planning in "the Golden decade" (1927-1937)
2.5 抗战烽火中的区域规划与建设事业(1937-1945年)
2.5 Regional planning during the War of Resistance against Japan (1937-1945)
2.6 设想战后重建与解放战争中的空间战略(1940-1949年)
2.6 The postwar reconstruction plan and the spatial strategy during the War of Liberation period (1940-1949)
2.7 中国近代区域规划发展的特征
2.7 Characteristics of regional planning in early modern China
第3章 探索社会主义道路进程中的区域规划实践
3 Practices of regional planning in Mao's era
3.1 三年经济恢复奠定发展基础(1949-1952年)
3.1 The three-year economic recovery:laying the development foundation (1949-1952)
3.2 区域规划的迅速开展(1953一1960年)
3.2 Rapid development of regional planning (1953-1960)
3.3 区域规划遭受曲折与挫折(1961-1978年)
3.3 Repeated setbacks for regional planning (1961-1978)
3.4 社会主义计划经济体制时期区域规划发展的遗产与缺陷
3.4 The legacies and disadvantages of regional planning development during the command economy period
第4章 改革开放与区域规划探索
4 New explorations of regional planning in the period of reform and opening up
4.1 计划经济体制内的空间规划改革(1979-1991年)
4.1 Spatial planning reforms in the planned economy system (1979-1991)
4.2 建立社会主义市场经济体制与区域规划发展
4.2 Regional planning in the early period of socialist market economy (1992-2002)
4.3 完善社会主义市场经济体制与区域规划新探索(2003年以来)
4.3 Recent development in regional planning (since 2003)
4.4 改革开放以来区域规划的特征与问题
4.4 The characteristics and problems of regional planning in post-Mao China
第5章 中国近现代区域规划演进的环境、形式与内容
5 Reexamine regional planning in modern China: environment forms and contents
5.1 中国与世界
5.1 China and the world
5.2 计划与市场
5.2 Plan and the market
5.3 区域规划形式与内容的变迁
5.3 The changes of regional planning in forms and contents
5.4 走向综合的区域空间规划
5.4 Regional spatial planning in transition towards compre hensive planning
第6章 中国区域空间规划体系展望
6 Visions of regional spatial planning in the future
6.1 新形势下区域规划功能及规划体系变化的趋向
6.1 Recent development of regional planning under new situation
6.2 转变部门规划思想,开展横向合作
6.2 Change the planning thoughts restricted to different func tional departments, and develop horizontal cooperation
6.3 明确区域规划编制与实施的主体,开展纵向合作
6.3 Clarify the main body for drafting and implementing regional planning, and develop vertical cooperation
6.4 因势利导,注重实效,不断推进区域规划体制改革
6.4 Further reform of regional planning
第7章 2006年以来中国区域规划进展
7 Development of regional planning in China since
7.1 大规模快速区域发展与区域规划职能凸显
7.1 The large-scale and rapid regional development and the salience of




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