内容推荐 本教材是“全国高等中医药院校中药学类专业双语规划教材”之一,是全国高等中医药院校首本双语规划教材,本教材根据物理学知识体系共分为十三章,即质点力学、刚体力学、流体力学、分子物理学、热力学、静电场与生物电现象、直流电路、电磁现象、机械振动与机械波、波动光学、量子物理学、原子核物理学、X射线等,其主要内容涵盖了中医药院校物理学的基本知识与基本理论。本教材语言简练、内容突出医药院校物理学的教学特色,可为医药院校的学生学习其他专业课打下坚实的物理学基础。本教材为“书网融合教材”,即纸质教材有机融合电子教材、教学配套资源(PPT、微课、习题参考答案)、数字化教学服务,使教学资源多样化、立体化。 本教材可供高等中医药院校中医、中药、制药、针灸、推拿、骨伤、临床、护理、保健、康复、影像、卫生管理等相关专业的本科生使用,也可供相关专业的医药工作者和科研人员使用与参考。 目录 Chapter 1 Mechanics of a Particle 1.1 Some Fundamental Physical Quantities and Concepts 1.2 Newton's Laws of Motion 1.3 Momentum and the Law of Conservation of Momentum 1.4 Work and Energy Chapter 2 Mechanics of a Rigid Body 2.1 Rotation of a Rigid Body 2.2 Rotational Kinetic Energy and Moment of Inertia 2.3 Law of Rotation 2.4 Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum 2.5 Motion of a Gyroscope Chapter 3 Hydrodynamics ~ 3.1 Steady Flow of the Ideal Fluid 3.2 Bernoulli Equation 3.3 Applications of Bernoulli Equation 3.4 Flow of the Viscous Fluid 3.5 Poiseuille's Law and Stokes's Law Chapter 4 Molecular Physics 4.1 Pressure Formula of an Ideal Gas 4.2 Degrees of Freedom and the Theorem of Equipartition of Energy 4.3 Phenomena on Liquid Surfaces 4.4 Phenomenon of Adhesive Layer of Liquid Chapter 5 Thermodynamics 5.1 Several Fundamental Concepts of Thermodynamics 5.2 First Law of Thermodynamics 5.3 Applications of the First Law of Thermodynamics 5.4 Carnot Cycle and Efficiency of a Heat Engine 5.5 SecondLaw of Thermodynamics 5.6 Entropy and Principle of Entropy Increase Chapter 6 Electrostatic Field and Bioelectric Phenomena 6.1 Electric Field Intensity 6.2 Gauss's Law in the Electrostatic Field 6.3 Work Done by the Electric Field Force, Potential 6.4 Dielectric in Electrostatic Field 6.5 Bioelectrical Phenomena 6.6 Basic Principle of the Formation of ECG Waves Chapter 7 Direct Current Circuit 7.1 Current Density 7.2 Ohm's Law in a Section of Circuit with Sources 7.3 KirchhotFs Rules 7.4 Wheatstone's Bridge 7.5 Electrophoresis and Electrotherapy Chapter 8 Electromagnetic Phenomena 8.1 Magnetic Fields Induced by Electric Currents 8.2 Magnetic Force on Moving Charges 8.3 Magnetic Force on a Current Carrying Conductor 8.4 Law of Electromagnetic Induction 8.5 Magneto-biology and Magneto Therapy Chapter 9 Mechanical Oscillations and Mechanical Waves 9.1 Simple Harmonic Motion 9.2 Fundamental Theories of Wave Motions 9.3 Sound Waves 9.4 Ultrasonic Waves and Infrasound Waves Chapter 10 Wave Optics 10.1 Light 10.2 Interference of Light 10.3 Diffraction of Light 10.4 Polarization of Light 10.5 Absorption of Light Chapter 11 Quantum Physics 11.1 Thermal Radiation 11.2 Photoelectric Effect and Compton Effect 11.3 Wave Particle Duality 11.4 Uncertainty Principle 11.5 Hydrogen Spectral Series and Bohr's Theory 11.6 Four Quantum Numbers 11.7 Atomic Spectrum and Molecular Spectrum 11.8 Laser and Its Applications Chapter 12 Nuclear Physics 12.1 Composition of the Nucleus 12.2 Radioactivity and the Decay Law 12.3 Radiation Dose and Radiation Protection 12.4 Applications of Radioactivity in Medicine 12.5 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Chapter 13 X-Rays 13.1 Properties of X-rays 13.2 X-ray Generator 13.3 Hardness and Intensity of X-rays 13.4 Diffraction of X-rays 13.5 X-ray Spectra 13.6 Attenuation of X-rays 13.7 Medical Applications of X-rays Appendixes Appendix 1 Conversions of Units Appendix 2 Names and Symbols of Multiples or Fractions Appendix 3 Greek Alphabet and the Pronunciations of Letters Appendix 4 Physical Constants in Common Use Appendix 5 Fundamental Concepts and Formulas of Calculus and Vector Algebra References