简介 |
作者简介 覃丹,百色学院外国语学院副教授。从事英语教学工作,主要研究方向为比较文学与比较文化。发表学术论文30余篇。 目录 Ⅰ Lullaby 1.Rocking Baby to Sleep 2.Sleep,My Dear Baby 3.Swaddling the Baby 4.You'll Grow up Quickly 5.Baby,Look after the House 6.The Star Is Going to Sleep 7.The Moon Can't Fall Asleep 8.The Moon Is Shining on the Hill Top 9.The Raining Day 10.I Myself Sleep Sweetly 11.Ballad of the Moon 12.The Moon Is Like a Dustpan 13.The Lovely Baby 14.The Moon Is Clear and Bright 15.Crescent Moon Ⅱ Games Rhymes 16.Selling the Dragon-cart 17.Clapping Hands,Dividing Pears 18.Waving Hands 19.Hurry up,Go into the Pens 20.Catching the Calves to Spank Them 21.Clapping Hands,Eating Chickens 22.The Roosters Fight 23.Carry You to Ride the Yellow Cattle 24.Throwing Handkerchief. 25.Breaking the Riddle 26.A Petty Man Covers His Face 27.Striking Bamboo Clips 28.Fireflies,Give Me Help 29.Feeding the Ants with Dragonfly 30.Feeding Ants 31.Fly Lower,Fireflies 32.Count the Numbers 33.Sawing Woods 34.Catching Mice 35.Grinding Corns 36.Anyone Can't Speak out 37.Tumble down the River 38.Pi Pi Pa 39.Outside It's Drizzling 40.The Swing Is Vibrating 41.The Locust Kowtows …… Ⅲ Animals Rhymes Ⅳ Life Rhymes Ⅴ Work Rhymes Ⅵ Weather Rhymes Ⅶ Customs Rhymes 内容推荐 本书主要选取了200首壮族童谣进行英译,收录的大多是流传度较高的童谣,包括了摇篮曲、游戏歌、数数歌、问答歌、绕口令和谜语歌等内容。本书将壮族童谣翻译成英语,对壮族童谣的收集、整理、保护、传承、传播具有非常重要的意义。不仅让世界更多人认识壮族优秀的民歌文化, |