内容推荐 教学并非教师提升职业素养的唯一路径,教学研究也是教师职业发展的有效助力。理查德·凯利博士从四十余年的教学、教师培训及教学研究经验出发,为英语教师提供了宝贵的教学研究建议。 本书以理论为基础,以实践为落脚点,全面介绍了教学研究的基本概念、教学研究与教学实践的关系、开展教学研究的条件以及教师转变为研究者的途径,详细分析了教学研究的基础框架和方法,并从五个教学维度出发,列举了四十四个研究主题,供有研究意向的英语教师学习或参考。 作者简介 理查德·凯利拥有四十多年的教学、教师培训及教师学习研究经验。他先后在五所英国大学任教,曾在爱尔兰、中国、法国、赞比亚、波兰及马来西亚与当地教师合作教学或为其提供培训或指导。他在多种研究期刊和专业期刊上发表了大量论文,并出版了六种专著。 目录 PART 1 PERSPECTIVES ON TEACHER RESEARCH Introduction to Part 1 Chapter 1 Introduction to teacher research Introduction 1.1 Why do teacher research? 1.2 Four principles 1.3 The IDENTITY question: Am I a teacher? Am I a researcher? 1.4 Four examples of teacher research 1.5 Summary 1.6 Further reading Chapter 2 Research Introduction 2.1 Two kinds of research 2.2 Scientific research 2.3 Researching dynamic systems 2.4 Practitioner research 2.5 Summary 2.6 Further reading Chapter 3 Teaching Introduction 3.1 A teacher workshop 3.2 Teaching methods 3.3 Post-method teaching 3.4 Teaching as relationship management- the craft of teaching 3.5 Summary 3.6 Further reading Chapter 4 The contexts of teacher research Introduction 4.1 Analysing the contexts of teaching and research 4.2 Benefits to the institution 4.3 Benefits for teachers 4.4 Teacher research policy 4.5 Teachers supporting institutions 4.6 Summary 4.7 Further reading Chapter 5 From teaching to researching - some trajectories Introduction 5.1 Reflection 5.2 Formal study for qualifications 5.3 Local collaborative activity 5.4 Dissemination of teacher research findings 5.5 Summary PART 2 TEACHER RESEARCH Glossary of Terms |