CHAPTER ONE Lessons from the Past.Perspectives for the Future
CHAPTER TWO Reflections on the Challenges to the Development of Area Expertise
CHAPTER THREE The Struggle of the Vietnamese People to Create a Unified Independent State:Theory and Practice of the Experience in the Colonial Period
CHAPTER FOUR Ethnonationalism.Class Formation and Majority Hegemony in Postcolonial State-Building in Sri Lanka
CHAPTER FIVE The Symbiosis of Individual and Society:an AnthrOpOlOgical Observation Regarding Tianguis in Mexico City
CHAPTER SIX Ethnic and Tribal Factors in Kazakhstani Politics
CHAPTER SEVEN The Road to Elite Higher Education for Brazilian Students with Low Socioeconomic Status
CHAPTER EIGHT The Return of Refugees and Reconstruction in Syria
CHAPTER NINE Evaluating Spe Economic Zones in South Africa:History,Performance and Challenges