内容推荐 Rust是一种新的系统编程语言,兼具C和C++的性能与底层控制,以及内存安全与线程安全。Rust的现代、灵活类型保证你的程序没有间接引用空指针、重复释放、迷途指针以及类似bug,都在编译时态,没有运行时开销。在多线程代码中,Rust在编译时捕获数据竞争,使得并行更易于使用 作者简介 Jim Blandy为Mozilla编写Firefox的web开发者工具。他是GNU Emacs和GNUGuile以及GNU调试器GDB的维护者。jim还是Subversion版本控制系统的很初设计者之一。 Jason Orendorff为Mozilla研究C++技术,是Firefox的JavaScriDt引擎模块负责人。他还是Nashville开发者社区的活跃成员,偶尔组织家乡的技术活动。 目录 Preface 1.Why Rust? Type Safety 2.A Tour of Rust Downloading and Installing Rust A Simple Function Writing and Running Unit Tests Handling Command-Line Arguments A Simple Web Server Concurrency What the Mandelbrot Set Actually Is Parsing Pair Command-Line Arguments Mapping from Pixels to Complex Numbers Plotting the Set Writing Image Files A Concurrent Mandelbrot Program Running the Mandelbrot Plotter Safety Is Invisible 3.Basic Tvpes Machine Types Integer Types Floating-Point Types The bool Type Characters Tuples Pointer Types References Boxes Raw Pointers Arrays, Vectors, and Slices Arrays Vectors Building Vectors Element by Element Slices String Types String Literals Byte Strings Strings in Memory String Using Strings Other String-Like Types Beyond the Basics 4.Ownership Ownership Moves More Operations That Move Moves and Control Flow Moves and Indexed Content Copy Types: The Exception to Moves Rc and Arc: Shared Ownership 5.References References as Values Rust References Versus C++ References Assigning References References to References Comparing References References Are Never Null Borrowing References to Arbitrary Expressions References to Slices and Trait Objects Reference Safety Borrowing a Local Variable Receiving References as Parameters Passing References as Arguments …… 6.Expressions 7.Error Handing 8.Crates and modules 9.Structs 10.Enums and patterns 11.Traits and generics 12.Operator overloading 13.Utility traits 14 Cloures 15.Iterators 16.Collections 17.Strings and text 18.Input and Output 19.Concurrency 20.Nacros 21.Unsafe code Index |