内容推荐 本标准规定了汽轮机电液调节系统用磷酸酯抗燃油的质量标准和运行维护的基本要求。本标准适用于汽轮机电液调节系统用磷酸酯抗燃油的维护。 作者简介 This standard was proposedby China Electricity Council.This standard is under thejurisdiction of the National Electric Chemical Standardization TechnicalCommittee (SAC/TC322).This standard was drafted byXi’an Thermal Power Research Institute Co. Ltd.The main drafters of this standard are LiuYongluo, Wang Juan, Li Yefeng and Yan Tao.The main translators of this standard areTang Jinwei, Li Yefeng, Liu Yongluo, Wang Juan, and Xiao Xiuyuan. 目录 Foreword 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms 4 Required characteristics of new triaryl phosphate ester fluids 5 Required characteristics of triaryl phosphate ester fluids in service 6 Sampling 7 Supervision on triaryl phosphate ester fluids in service 8 Maintenance on triaryl phosphate ester fluids in service 9 Technical management and safety requirements Appendix A (Informative annex) The compatibility of triaryl phosphate ester fluids and mineral oil to seal materials Appendix B (Normative annex) SAE AS4059F cleanliness grading standard Appendix C (Normative annex) Method for determination of mineral oil content Appendix D (Informative annex) Principle and function of bypass regeneration system- |