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书名 非线性波方程在不变流形上的准确解和分支
分类 科学技术-自然科学-物理
作者 李继彬
出版社 科学出版社
Chapter 1 Some Shallow Water Wave Equations Which Yield Peakons and Compactons 1
1.1 Shallow water wave equations derived from the governing equations via double asymptotic power series expansions 1
1.2 Dynamics of traveling wave solutions to a new highly nonlinear shallow water wave equation 7
Chapter 2 Classiˉcation of Traveling Wave Solutions of the Singular Nonlinear Wave Equations 13
2.1 Some preliminary knowledge of dynamical systems 13
2.2 Bifurcations of phase portraits of travelling wave equations having singular straight lines 18
2.3 Main theorems to identify the wave proˉles for a singular traveling wave systems of the ˉrst class 23
2.4 Classiˉcation of the proˉles of traveling wave solutions via known phase orbits 28
Chapter 3 Exact Parametric Representations of the Orbits Deˉned by A Polynomial Di.erential Systems 54
3.1 Exact parametric representations of the orbits deˉned by the planar quadratic Hamiltonian systems 54
3.2 Exact parametric representations of the orbits deˉned by the symmetric planar cubic Hamiltonian systems 62
Chapter 4 Bifurcations and Exact Solutions of the Traveling Wave Systems for Dullin-Gottwald-Holm Equation 69
4.1 Bifurcations of phase portraits of systems (4.4) 70
4.2 Classiˉcation of all traveling wave solutions of system (4.4)+ and explicit exact parametric representations of the solutions of system (4:4)+ and (4.6) 72
4.3 Classiˉcation of all traveling wave solutions of system (4.4). and explicit exact parametric representations of the solutions of systems (4.6). and (4.4) 86
Chapter 5 Variform Exact One-Peakon Solutions for Some Singular Nonlinear Traveling Wave Equations of the First Kind 96
5.1 Peakon solutions of the generalized Camassa-Holm equation (5.1) 97
5.2 Peakon solutions of the nonlinear dispersion equation K(m; n) 101
5.3 Peakon solutions of the two-component Hunter-Saxton system (5.3) 104
5.4 Peakon solutions of the two-component Camassa-Holm system (5.4) 107
Chapter 6 Bifurcations and Exact Solutions of A Modulated Equation in A Discrete Nonlinear Electrical Transmission Line 111
6.1 Bifurcations of phase portraits of system (6.14) when f3(á) only has a positive zero 115
6.2 Dynamics and some exact parametric representations of the solutions of system (6.14) when f3(á) only has a positive zero 117
6.3 Bifurcations of phase portraits of system (6.14) when f3(á) has exact two positive zeros 123
6.4 Dynamics and some exact parametric representations of the solutions of system (6.14) when f3(á) has exact two positive zeros 126
Chapter 7 Exact Solutions and Dynamics of the Raman Soliton Model in Nanoscale Optical Waveguides, with Metamaterials, Having Polynomial Law Nonlinearity 129
7.1 Bifurcations of phase portraits of system (7.6) 132
7.2 Exact parametric representations of solutions of system (7.6) when there is only one equilibrium point for ˉ = 1; 2 and ˉ = .2;.3 136
7.3 Exact parametric representations of solutions of system (7.6) when there exist three equilibrium points for a0 > 0; ˉ = 1; 2 147
7.4 Exact parametric representations of solutions of system (7.6) when there exist three equilibrium points for a0 > 0; ˉ = .2;.3 163
7.5 Exact parametric representations of solutions of system (7.6) when there exist three equilibrium points for a0 < 0; ˉ = .3;.2; 1; 2 173
Chapter 8 Quadratic and Cubic Nonlinear Oscillators with Damping and Their Applications 178
8.1 Exact solutions and dynamics of the integrable quadratic oscillator with damping 179
8.2 Exact solutions and dynamics of the integrable cubic nonlinear oscillator with damping 184
8.3 Exact traveling wave solutions of the van der Waals normal form (8.1) and the equation (8.4) 188
Chapter 9 Dynamics of Solutions of Some Travelling Wave Systems Determined by Integrable Li.enard System 191
9.1 The ˉrst integrals of Li.enard equation (9.4) under Chiellini's integrability condition 192
9.2 Dynamics of travelling wave solutions of a integrable generalized damped sine-Gordon equation (9.7) 194
9.3 Dynamics of travelling wave solutions of the integrable Burgers equation with one-side potential interaction (9.8) 199
Chapter 10 Bifurcations and Exact Solutions in A Model of Hydrogen-Bonded-Chains 204
10.1 Bifurcations of phase portraits of system (10.2) 206
10.2 The parametric representations of some orbits deˉned by system (10.2) for > 0; ˉp0 6= 0 208
10.3 The parametric representations of some orbits deˉned by system (10.2) for < 0; ˉp0 6= 0 213
10.4 The parametric representations of some orbits deˉned by system (10.2) for ˉp0 = 0 or ˉ < 0 217
10.5 The parametric representations of some orbits intersecting transversely the singular straight line p = §p0 220
Chapter 11 Exact Solutions in Invariant Manifolds of Some Higher-Order Models Describing Nonlinear Waves 224




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