目录 \tForeword
\tChapter 1 The Beauty of Chinese Characters and Chinese Culture
\t1.1 The Remote Origins of Chinese Culture
\t1.2 Chinese Characters and the Mode of Chinese Thinking
\t1.3 Chinese Characters and Chinese Cultural Characteristics
\t1.4 Why Does the World Think Highly of China's Reform?
\t1.5 Modern Significance of Chinese Culture
\tChapter 2 The Brilliance of the Ancient Chinese Classics
\t2.1 Confucius: Transforming Society Through Cultural Education and a Return to Benevolence
\t2.2 Mencius: Human Nature, Popular Sentiment, Will of Heaven and Elitism
\t2.3 Laozi: Why Do You Need a Dao?
\t2.4 Zhuangzi: Carefreeness, Transcendence and Self-Rescue
\t2.5 Trinity of Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism: Chinese- Style Methodology of Amaigamation
\tChapter 3 Crisis, Transformation and Rebirth of Traditional Culture
\t3.1 Cultural Anxiety and Cultural Crisis
\t3.2 The May Fourth Movement and People's Revolution Both Criticized and Kick-Started Traditional Chinese Culture
\t3.3 Reform and Opening Up, and the Rebirth of Chinese Culture ]
\t3.4 Chinese Culture Leading to Modernization and World Fame
\t3.5 China's Cultural Roadmap in the Era of Globalization
\tChapter 4 Diversified But Integrated Chinese National Culture
\t4.1 Community of Shared Future and Culture
\t4.2 Modernization and National Traditional Culture
\t4.3 Bright Is the Future of National Culture
\tChapter 5 Cultural Life, the Arts and Literature in the Contemporary Era
\t5.1 Vicissitudes of Gender in the Past 60 Years
\tChapter 6 The Chinese Dream - Dream of Culture
\tChapter 7 A Historic Opportunity for Cultural Renaissance
\tProspect: Modernization, Globalization and Native Tradition
\tPostscript 内容推荐 中华文化是世界最主要文化形态之一,为人类文明作出过重要贡献。本书按照“要努力展示中华文化独特魅力”这一根本要求,围绕中华传统文化走向世界、走向现代化这一主题,从整体论和专题论两个层面,对中华传统文化的整体风貌、价值取向、美学特征、当代命运、与现代文化精神 |