内容推荐 本书专门为经济学专业学生设计,较为系统介绍理论经济学和应用经济学各学科的基础知识和基本问题,内容涉及微观经济学、宏观经济学、人口资源与环境经济学、发展经济学、财政学等。为适应高校开课一学年学时的需求,设计了上下分册,本书在第三版下册基础上修订,更新完善了内容。 目录 Unit One Text: Income and Work Additional Text: Income Distribution and Poverty Unit Two Text: Population Additional Text: The Consequences of High Fertility: Some Conflicting Opinions Unit Three Text: Human Resources Management Additional Text: The Extensive Brain Drain Unit Four Text: Environmental Protection Additional Text: Methods of Pollution Control Unit Five Text: Investments Additional Text: The Major Types of Investors Unit Six Text: Insurance Additional Text: Types of Insurance Businesses Need Unit Seven Text: Marketing Additional Text: Marketing Strategies Unit Eight Text: International Trade Additional Text: National Competitive Advantage and Diamond Model Unit Nine Text: WTO Additional Text: GATT and Multilateral Trade Negotiations Unit Ten Text: Nontariff Barriers Additional Text: Dumping and Antidumping Unit Eleven Text: Multinational Corporations Additional Text: Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Enterprises Unit Twelve Text: Foreign Aid Additional Text: The World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund Unit Thirteen Text: Economic Globalization Additional Text: Regional Economic Integration Unit Fourteen Text: The European Union Additional Text: The Broad Economic Guidelines of the EU Appendix Ⅰ Answers to Exercises Appendix Ⅱ Chinese Translation of the Texts |