内容推荐 《矿山粉尘防治(英文版)/中国矿业大学安全与消防工程特色专业建设系列教材》系为实施安全工程专业《矿山粉尘防治》的全英文课程教学而进行编写的,内容符合课程教学大纲的要求,全书分为十一章内容,分别介绍了粉尘性质、粉尘与健康、粉尘取样及测定、粉尘爆炸危害及防治、地面工厂粉尘防治、长壁及房柱式煤矿粉尘防治、金属非金属矿井粉尘防治、地面矿物加工及处理的粉尘防治、露天矿粉尘防治。《矿山粉尘防治(英文版)/中国矿业大学安全与消防工程特色专业建设系列教材》较为全面地介绍了靠前外粉尘防治理论与技术的新研究成果,可供本科生、研究生及相关工程技术人员进行学习与参考。 目录 1 Introduction 1.1 What is Dust? 1.2 Dust classification 1.3 Dust properties References 2 Dust and Healthy 2.1 Silicosis 2.2 Coal Workers' Pneumoeoniosis (CWP) 2.3 Diagnosis and treatment 2.4 Air pollution in atmosphere References 3 Dust Sampling and Quantifying 3.1 Respirable dust samplers used in mining 3.2 Sampling strategies References 4 Dust Explosion and Prevention 4.1 Explosion fundamentals 4.2 Coal dust combustion and explosion 4.3 Prevention practices and technologies References 5 Dust Control in Surface Process Industries 5.1 Basics of dust collector systems 5.2 Airflow and dust control 5.3 Exhaust systems design References 6 Dust Control in Coal Mining (1)——Longwall Mining 6.1 Dust distribution in mines 6.2 Control in mine tunnels 6.3 Control in working/development faces 6.4 Alternate dust control technologies References 7 Dust Control in Coal Mining (2)——R&P Mining 7.1 Continuous Miner dust control 7.2 Ventilation Control 7.3 Dust control for roof bolters 7.4 Others practices References 8 Dust Control in Underground Stone and Metal/Non-metal mining 8.1 Crushing facilities 8.2 Production shots 8.3 Mucking operation 8.4 Drilling References 9 Dust Control in Minerals Mining and Processing (1) 9.1 Wet spray systems 9.2 Drilling and blasting 9.3 Crushing milling and screening References 10 Dust Control in Minerals Mining and Processing (2) 10.1 Buck loading 10.2 Conveying 10.3 Secondary sources 10.4 Haul Roads,stockpiles and open area References 11 Dust Control in surface Mining 11.1 Drill dust collections 11.2 Cab filtration system 11.3 Haulage road dust control 11.4 Hopper clump control References |