内容推荐 本丛书旨在推广“岭南三秀”——粤剧、岭南画派和广东音乐。以中英双语对照的形式,打造向青年普及岭南传统文化的文艺通识读本。“岭南三秀”本身即代表了地域文化精神,亦有独特艺术魅力,不仅体现了大湾区文化软实力和人文精神内涵,更颇具“走出去”的开放气质,为外国友人领略岭南文化提供了发现之窗。 《丝竹乐》旨在普及很好的岭南传统文化——广东音乐。广东音乐是我国民间音乐的重要乐种,也是重量非物质文化遗产之一,拥有一批杰出的作曲家、演奏家和代表性乐器。广东音乐与粤剧、岭南画派并列为“岭南三大艺术瑰宝”,很初流行于广东省珠三角、台山及港澳等地区,后渐流传至全国各地及海外华人之中,影响甚广。 作者简介 广东省文学艺术界联合会、广东省文艺研究所 广东省文学艺术界联合会简称广东省文联,成立于1950年9月,是广东省委领导的,由全省性的文艺家协会、地级市以上文学艺术界联合会和全省性的产业文联组成的文学艺术界专业人民团体,是党和政府联系文艺家的桥梁和纽带,是繁荣社会主义文艺、发展优选文化的重要力量。 目录 《丝竹乐》 Preface 引言/001 Rooting in Lingnan —The History of Cantonese Music / 009 深植岭南 ——粤乐的历史沿革/009 Germination: Booming of the Folk Musical Bands / 010 萌芽:民间私伙遍布各地/011 Origin: The Product of Multiple Cultures / 016 起源:多元文化共同作用/017 Development: Masters and Masterpieces /024 发展:人才众多名品辈出/025 Reforms of the Musical Instruments —The Soul of Cantonese Music / 033 乐器变革 ——粤乐的灵魂精髓/033 Prototype: Hard-Bow Performance to Depict Common Life / 034 雏形:硬弓演奏系民生/035 Transforming: Soft-Bow Bringing New Life / 040 转型:软弓改良创新风/041 Maturity: Incorporation of the Western Music / 046 成熟:洋为中用促传播/047 Contemporary C ntonese Music —Heritage and Innovation of Cantonese Music / 055 当代粤乐 ——粤乐的传承创新/055 Heritage: Flowering Everywhere / 056 传承:万家灯火万家弦/057 Innovation: New Skills to Create Grandeur / 062 创新:技法突破振雄风/063 Studies: Academic Reconstruction of the Culture / 066 研究:学术重构文化潮/067 Combination of the East and the West —Features of Cantonese Music / 073 中西合璧 ——粤乐的艺术特点/073 Rhythm: Elegant Brisk Lyrics / 074 旋律:优美明快擅抒情/075 Themes: Common Feelings over Different Generations / 078 主题:世俗情感代代传/079 Styles: Merging of Soul and Music / 080 风格:人乐相通达灵境/081 Movement: Incorporation of the Western Musical Techniques / 084 旋法:中西合璧立新风/085 Musical Instruments: Changing with the Times / 090 配器:与时俱进争芳妍/091 Great Masters —Eminent Persons in the History of Cantonese Music / 097 群星璀璨 ——粤乐名家人物志/097 The Three Hes: Pioneers of Modern Cantonese Music / 098 何氏三杰:引领粤乐发展的开拓者/099 He Liutang: A Master at the Transitional Stage of Cantonese Music / 102 何柳堂:粤乐史上承上启下的音乐大家/103 He Yunian: A Prolific Composer Determining the Position of Cantonese Music / 106 何与年:奠定粤乐戏曲地位的多产作家/107 He Shaoxia: A Master of Musical Instruments Expertizing in the Classical Literature and Lyrics / 110 何少霞:深谙古典文学和唱词的乐器高手/111 The Four Kings: Propellers Leading Cantonese Music to Its Golden Age / 114 四大天王:推动粤乐走向黄金时代/115 Lü Wencheng: A Master of Cantonese Music and Reformer of the Musical Instruments / 118 吕文成:一代粤乐宗师,力推器乐改革/119 Yin Zizhong: A Pioneer Who Nationalized the Violin / 122 尹自重:小提琴民族化先驱/123 He Dasha: A Reformer of Guitar and Excellent Performer / 126 何大傻:大胆改造吉他,演奏两艺俱佳/127 He Langping: A Lover of Classical Literature Dedicated to Folk Music Creation / 130 何浪萍:酷爱诗词,致力于民间乐曲创作/131 Qiu Hechou: The Initiate Providing Textbooks of Cantonese Music / 132 丘鹤俦:广东音乐启蒙者,编著最早课本/133 Blooming —List of Classical Cantonese Musical Pieces / 137 百花齐放 ——粤乐经典作品录/137 “The Pathetic Story of the Two Stars”: Classical Musical Piece Based on Chinese Folklore / 138 《双声恨》:以民间传说为题材的古曲/139 “Lightning in the Blue Sky”: Music with New Performing Techniques / 140 《旱天雷》:技法推陈出新的粤乐佳作/141 “Plantains in the Rain”: Early Masterpiece with Heavy Lingnan Flavor / 142 《雨打芭蕉》:南国情趣的初期代表/143 “The Dragon Boat Race Champion”: Classical Cantonese Music with Western Techniques / 144 《赛龙夺锦》:借鉴外来技巧的粤乐经典/145 “Step on Step”: Popular Music Singing about Musical Instrument Reform / 146 《步步高》:乐器改革的时代“流行曲”/147 “A Peacock in His Pride”: The Musical Piece Employing Various Western Musical Instruments / 148 《孔雀开屏》:被最多西洋乐器演奏过的作品/149 “Little Taohong”: A Pioneer to Escape the Bondage of Tradition / 150 《小桃红》:敢于突破传统的创新之作/151 “Birds Returning to the Woods”: A Musical Piece Embodying Nature / 152 《鸟投林》:体现自然之趣的音乐小品/153 Breakthrough —The Peak of Cantonese Music in the New Age / 155 推陈出新 ——粤乐攀登新时代新高峰/155 New Birth: New Musical Pieces Created One after Another / 156 新曲:大批新作不断涌现/157 New Trend: Creation not Limited to One Type/160 新风:创作尝试不拘一格/161 Following the Trend of the Times —Cantonese Music Opening a New Chapter / 165 时代潮流 ——粤乐谱写新文化新篇章/165 Folk Music: Following the So Trends / 166 民乐:紧贴时代变革/167 Transformation: Carrier of Cultural Renaissance / 168 转型:承载文化复兴/169 Afterword 后记/175 |