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书名 酒店管理概论/魏卫
作者 魏卫
出版社 华中科技大学出版社
章酒店管理概述Chapter Introduction of hotel management节酒店的基本概念与内涵The basic concepts and connotation of the hotel industry第二节现代酒店业的发展特征Features of the modern hotel industry第三节酒店分类与新业态发展Classification of hotels and development of new industry situation第四节酒店等级划分与评定Rating and assessment of hotel第二章洒店战略与组织管理Chapter 2 Strategies and organization management of hotel节酒店战略管理概述Introduction of hotel strategy management第二节酒店企业竞争力培育The cultivation of hotel enterprises competitiveness第三节酒店业务层面的战略选择Strategic choices of the hotel business level第四节酒店企业组织管理Organizational management of hotel enterprises第五节酒店企业组织制度与创新Institution and innovation of hotel industry organization第三章酒店业务运营管理Chapter 3 Hotel business operation management节酒店前厅部运营管理Hotel front office operation management第二节酒店客房部运营管理Hotel housekeeping department operation management第三节酒店餐饮部运营管理Hotel food and beverage department operation management第四章酒店服务质量管理Chapter 4 Hotel service quality management节酒店服务质量概述Introduction of hotel service quality第二节酒店服务质量管理体系Management system of hotel service quality第三节酒店服务质量评价分析Analysis of hotel service quality第四节酒店服务质量管理方法Management methods of hotel service quality第五章酒店营销管理Chapter 5 Hotel marketing management节酒店营销概述Introduction of hotel marketing第二节酒店营销的基础环节The basic links of hotel marketing第三节酒店营销组合策略Mix strategies of hotel marketing第四节酒店营销管理创新Innovation of hotel marketing management第六章酒店品牌管理chapter 6 Hotel brand management节酒店品牌定义、作用和特征Definition,role and features of hotel brand第二节酒店品牌的创建Creation of hotel brand第三节酒店品牌维护、推广和提升Maintenance and promotion of hotel brand第四节酒店品牌资产与品牌价值Hotel brand assets and value第五节我国酒店品牌核心竞争力的发展Development of China‘s hotel brand core competitiveness第七章酒店人力资源管理Chapter 7 Hotel human resource management节酒店人力资源管理概述Introduction of hotel human resource managemen第二节酒店人力资源管理内容Contents of hotel human resource management第三节酒店人力资源管理激励Incentives of hotel human resource management第四节酒店职业经理人发展Development of hotel professional manager第八章酒店企业财务与收益管理Chapter 8 Hotel finance and revenue management节酒店企业财务管理概述Introduction of hotel finan management第二节酒店企业成本与费用管理Hotel enterprise costs and expense managemen第三节酒店企业收益管理主要内容Main contents of hotel revenue management第四节酒店企业收益管理的策略与运用Strategies and application of hotel revenue management第九章酒店设备物资管理Chapter 9 Hotel equipments and materials management节酒店设备维护管理Hotel equipment maintenance management第二节酒店物资统筹管理Hotel materials overall management第三节酒店节能与绿色管理Hotel energy conservation and green management第四节新技术与酒店智能应用New technologies and hotel intelligence application第十章酒店投资规划管理Chapter 10 Hotel investment planning management节酒店投资规划概述Introduction of hotel investment planning第二节酒店投资规划的功能设计Functional design of hotel investment planning第三节酒店投资规划的可行性分析Feasibility analysis of hotel investment planning第四节酒店筹建与开业管理Hotel preparation and opening management第十一章酒店安全危机管理Chapter 1 1 Hotel security crisis management节酒店安全和危机管理概述Introduction of hotel security crisis第二节酒店安全危机管理计划Hotel security crisis management plan第三节酒店安全危机识别与预警Identification and early warning of hotel security crisis第四节酒店安全危机处理策略与公关Strategies and public relations of hotel security crisis management第十二章中外酒店集团化管理Chapter 12 Chinese and foreign hotel group management节酒店集团化发展概况Introduction of hotel group development第二节酒店集团化经营模式Business models of hotel group第三节酒店集团化发展创新Development and innovation o of hotel group第四节我国酒店集团的跨国经营Transnational management of Chinas hotel groups第五节中外著名酒店管理集团介绍Introduction of famous hotel management groups in China and abroad




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