内容推荐 李莎从一个外国人的角度讲述了自己眼中的中国教育。由于经济的优选化,包括哲学、文化和教育在内的各个领域也进入到了优选化的洪流中。该书的主旨就是将中国教育的现状介绍给世界范围内的读者。书中出现的信息主要来源于三处:媒体,作者采访过的个人和组织,以及作者身为教师和20余年旅居中国的经验。该书共分为7大部分,分别从中国的教育体系、知识到方法论、作弊行为和解决方法、外国语言和外国研究、全民教育、性教育以及教育改革出发的结论来阐述。 作者简介 Lisa.Carducci,Born in Canada,Lisa Carducci Has Been Cumulatively a Student for 21 Years,A Language Teacher for 30 Years,A Journalist for 20, But a Writer for Her All Life.She Majored in Linguistics and Pedagogy at the University of Montreal. 目录 Foreword Chapter 1 The teaching system What does "study" mean? Quality education -The teachers' quality -The over'restrictive programs -The substitute teachers - The hukou - The competition Stress and pressure - The homework - The parents - The diploma An exam-oriented system - History Chapter 2 From knowledge to methodology Love performs miracles Active teaching / creative learning To play: a child's right - Obesity and physical education Chapter 3 Rampant cheating and a solution The cheating problem - Cheating techniques and devices - Copyrights - Fake documents: receipts and diplomas - Ghostwriting - Plagiarism Creativity as a solution - No creativity without interest Chapter 4 Foreign languages, foreign studies Learning English - The situation - Spe methods - Traps ahead Studying abroad - Dangers and disadvantages - Individual consequences - National consequences - Drain or exodus? - The Hong Kong case From overseas to China - Brain gain - Luring talents - To remain or to return - The foreigners - Staying at home - Chinese language in the world Chapter 5 Education for all Literacy The situation …… |