内容推荐 \t《人文山东(英文版)》以山东文化传统为主要内容,简要、系统地梳理了山东文化传统形成的地理因素、发展历程、涌现的精英人物和主要文化载体,提炼了人文山东的精髓要义,突出了山东文化传统中的“情义”内核,较为全面地展现了山东文化的气质神韵和山东人的精神品格。在突出提炼山东人文要素和精神特质的同时,亦注重与海外读者对接,穿插精讲了一些文化故事,体现了故事性、趣味性。 目录 \tPreface
\tMagnificent Rivers and Mountains Nurturing Human Dignity
\tMajestic Mount Tai Endowing Shandong People with Exquisite Nature
\tThe Choppy Yellow River Endowing Shandong People with Perseverance
\tThe Vast Ocean Endowing Shandong People with an Open Mind
\tLong History Reflecting the Chinese Civilization
\tBrave Bold and Unrestrained Dongyi Culture
\tCeremonious and Practical Qilu Culture
\tObsessional Sensation of Shandong
\tSages and Men of Virtues Illuminating China Forever
\tConfucius Advocating "Benevolence" & Establishing Confucianism
\tMencius Advocating "Righteousness" & Developing Confucianism
\tXuncius Advocating "Combination of Ritual and Law"
\tMo Tse Advocating "Universal Love" & "Non-Attack"
\tThe Art of Wars, Military Bible
\tJixia Academy, Contention of All Schools
\tConfucianism Becoming the Mainstream
\tElites Glittering Qilu Wisdom
\tGreat Strategy Stabilizing China
\tFine Articles Widely Read for Generations
\tCompetitive Art Products Condencing Talents
\tSkillful Craftsmen Developing Science & Technology
\tRich Carriers Presenting Deep Humanity
\tCultural Relics and Long History
\tMusic and Dance Being Enthusiastic and Passionate
\tChinese Opera Conveying Ties of Friendship
\tFolk Artistry with Delicacy and Craftiness
\tLife Style with Rites and Orders
\tBenevolence & Sincerity Showing Virtues
\tFilial Piety & Ardent Love for Hometown
\tTaking Responsibility & Serving the Country
\tHospitality & Respect for Seniority
\tIntegrity Chivalry & Bravery
\tYi-meng Spirit: Selfless Love
\tConclusion |