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内容推荐 《中国哲学思想》介绍自先秦至当下的中国哲学思想,以中国哲学思想的演化为线索,主要探讨传统中国哲学不同历史时期各个哲学流派的哲学特性,并借用西方哲学的分类来概括其中国哲学的不同侧面,如先秦的政治哲学、汉唐的形上学、宋明的认识论等。作者努力将各个时期、各个哲人的艰深哲学思想解说得简明可读。 作者简介 Dr. Haiming Wen received his Ph.D. on com-parative philosophy from University of Hawaii in2006. He is now an assistant professor in theSchool of Philosophy, Renmin University ofChina. He was once an East-West Center (EWC)affiliate, with Wing-tsit Chan Fellowship from Uni-versity of Hawaii. Afterwards he taught in theDepartment of Philosophy, Peking University asa post-doctoral fellow. He is teaching Chinesephilosophy in Renmin University of China andAmerican CIEE/IES programs in both Chineseand English. He has published more than tenjournal articles in both English and Chinese. Heis the director assistant of the Center for Chi-nese and Comparative Philosophy in RenminUniversity of China, and director for the Office ofInternational Affairs, School of Philosophy. He isassisting Roger Ames to edit "International Stud-ies on Confucianism" series for Peking Univer-sity Press. He is a member of American Philo-sophical Association (APA), American ChinesePhilosophers Association (ACPA), InternationalSociety for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP), Interna-tional Society for Chinese and Western Philoso-phies (ISCWP) etc. He has been invited topresent more than 20 papers in the United States,Chinese mainland and Taiwan in English andChinese. He has published an English book titledConfucian Pragmatism as the Art ofContextualizing Personal Experience and World.His email address is: haimingwen@hotmail.com 目录 《中国哲学思想:英文》目录参见目录图 |