内容推荐 Ruby语言的魅力到底何在?它适合你吗?问自己:你是否对其他编程语言里各种额外的声明、关键字和复杂步骤感到厌烦?你是否想成为生产效率更高的程序员?如果答案是肯定的,那么你将热爱Ruby编程语言。 基于《深入浅出Ruby(影印版)》独特的实战学习体验,你将发现Ruby如何为你简化所有繁杂细节,让你只是简单地享受编程乐趣,并用更少代码完成很多任务。 基于新认知科学和学习理论研究成果,《深入浅出Ruby(影印版)》运用一种丰富可视的形式吸引你深度浸入,这与满篇文字让你昏昏欲睡截然不同。为什么要浪费时间与新概念们作斗争呢?这种多感官的学习体验是为了大脑有效运作而设计的。 作者简介 杰伊·麦加文(Jay McGavren), was working on automation for a hotel services company when a colleague introduced him to Programming Perl (a.k.a. the Camel Book). It made him an instant Perl convert, as he liked actually writing code instead of waiting for a 10-person development team to configure a build system. It also gave him the crazy idea to write a technical book someday. In 2007, with Perl sputtering, Jay was looking for a new interpreted language. With its strong object orientation, excellent library support, and incredible flexibility, Ruby won him over. He's since used Ruby for two game libraries, for a generative art project, and as a Ruby on Rails freelancer. He's been working in the online developer education space since 2011. 目录 Intro 1 More with less: Code the Way You Want 2 Methods and classes: Getting Organized 3 Inheritance: Relying on Your Parents 4 Initializing instances: Off to a Great Start 5 Arrays and blocks: Better Than Loops 6 Block return values: How Should I Handle This? 7 Hashes: Labeling Data 8 References: Crossed Signals 9 Mixins: Mix It Up 10 Comparable and enumerable: Ready-Made Mixes 11 Documentation: Read the Manual 12 Exceptions: Handling the Unexpected 13 Unit testing: Code Quality Assurance 14 Web apps: Serving HTML 15 Saving and loading data: Keep ItAround i Leftovers: The Top Ten Topics (We Didn't Cover) |