内容推荐 幼儿阶段,孩子进入了一个学习语言的关键期,在这个特殊的时期里,孩子掌握语言的能力很好惊人,而这个时期学习外语也是关键时期。研究证明,孩子对英文歌谣的学习,不仅可以积累词汇,还可以培养纯正的语感,并激发孩子学习的兴趣。边看书边听歌曲,情景交融,相得益彰,在快乐轻松的氛围中掌握50首经典英文歌曲,您的孩子也会成为英语小达人! 50首经典英文儿歌,扫描即可收听,创设轻松有趣的学习氛围,五线谱记谱方式,很好不错、科学,适合幼儿园、幼儿培训机构等少儿机构使用。 作者简介 韩国三省出版社是专门出版少儿图书的出版社,众多图书被靠前出版社引进,有的图书畅销多年,成为品牌图书。 目录 1. The Alphabet Song 2. Doremi Song 3. Ten Little Indians 4. Row,Row,Row Your Boat 5. Head and Shoulders 6. Old MacDonald Had a Farm 7. Mr. Golden Sun 8. Jelly on a Plate 9. The Eentsy Weentsy Spider 10. A Sailor Went to Sea 11. The Muffin Man 12. Baby's Clothes 13. Where Is Thumbkin 14. Lollipop 15. Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo 16. Bingo 17. One,Two,Buckle My Shoe 18. Reach for the Sky 19. Skidamarink 20. Rain,Rain,Go Away 21. Clap Along with Me 22. Looby Loo 23. Six Little Ducks 24. To Market,to Market 25. Hush,Little Baby 26. Ten in a Bed 27. Hickory Dickory Dock 28. Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star 29. Down by the Station 30. The Bus 31. The Farmer in the Dell 32. Little Green Frog 33. Shut Them Open 34. Splashing in the Bath 35. This Is the Way 36. I Love the Mountains 37. The Ants Go Marching 38. Baby Bumblebee 39. Sing a Rainbow 40. I'm a Little Teapot 41. The Bear Went Over the Mountain 42. Sing-a-ling 43. Ham and Eggs 44. On Top of Spaghetti 45. This Little Pig Went to Market 46. This Old Man 47. Pop! Goes the Weasel 48. London Bridge 49. The More We Sing Together 50. The Monkey Dance |