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书名 | 土力学 |
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作者 | 苏栋主编 |
出版社 | 清华大学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书立足于经典土力学的内容,并吸收部分现代土力学的发展成果,系统地介绍了土的基本行为特性、土力学的基本原理和分析计算方法。本书共分9章,主要内容包括土的物理性质及分类、土中应力、土的渗透性与渗流、土的一维压缩与固结、土的剪切性状和抗剪强度、土的临界状态和本构模型、土压力理论、边坡稳定分析、地基承载力和非饱和土基本特性等,每章均附有思考题和习题,附录提供习题参考答案,并为任课教师免费提供电子课件。 作者简介 苏栋,男,深圳大学土木工程学院教授,广东省高等学校“千百十工程”省级培养对象,深圳市高层次专业人才,深圳大学首届荔园优青。主讲“土力学”“基础工程”“高等土力学与基础工程”等课程。作为课题负责人,承担了国家自然科学基金项目4项,深圳大学精品课程项目1项,发表学术、教研论文约50篇,获得国家发明1项,实用新型3项,多次获得深圳大学很好本科课堂教学奖和学术创新奖。 目录 绪论(Introduction) 章土的物理性质及分类(Physical Properties of Soil and Soil Classification) 1.1概述(Introduction) 1.2土的形成(Soil Formation) 1.2.1风化作用(Weathering) 1.2.2搬运与沉积(Transportation and Sedimentation) 1.3土的组成(Composition of Soil) 1.3.1固体颗粒(Solid Particle) 1.3.2土中水(Water in Soil) 1.3.3土中气(Air in Soil) 1.4土的结构与构造(Soil Fabric and Soil Structure) 1.4.1土的结构(Soil Fabric) 1.4.2土的构造(Soil Structure) 1.5土的物理性质指标(Physical Property Indexes of Soil) 1.5.1基本指标(Basic Indexes) 1.5.2换算指标(Converted Indexes) 1.5.3指标之间的换算(Relationships between Indexes) 1.6土的物理状态指标(Physical State Indexes of Soil) 1.6.1无黏性土的相对密度(Relative Density of Cohesionless Soil) 1.6.2黏性土的界限含水量及状态指标(Boundary Water Contents and State Indexes of Cohesive Soil) 1.7土的分类(Soil Classification) 1.7.1土的分类原则(Principles of Soil Classification) 1.7.2《土的工程分类标准》的分类(Classification of Standard for Engineering Classification of Soil) 1.7.3《建筑地基基础设计规范》的分类(Classification of Code for Design of Building Foundation) 1.8土的压实(Soil Compaction) 1.8.1黏性土的压实(Compaction of Cohesive Soil) 1.8.2无黏性土的压实(Compaction of Cohesionless Soil) 思考题(Thinking Questions) 习题(Exercises) 第2章土中应力(Stresses in Soil) 2.1概述(Introduction) 2.2应力、应变和土的弹性变形(Stresses, Strains and Elastic Deformation of Soil) 2.2.1应力(Stresses) 2.2.2应变(Strains) 2.2.3胡克定律(Hookes Law) 2.3有效应力原理(The Principle of Effective Stress) 2.4土的自重应力(Stresses Due to SelfWeight of Soil) 2.4.1竖向自重应力(Vertical Stress Due to SelfWeight of Soil) 2.4.2水平自重应力(Horizontal Stress Due to SelfWeight of Soil) 2.5基底压力(Contact Pressure under Foundations) 2.5.1柔性基础与刚性基础的基底压力分布(Contact Pressure Distribution under Flexible Foundations and Rigid Foundations) 2.5.2基底压力的简化计算(Simplified Calculation of Contact Pressure) 2.5.3基底附加压力(Additional Pressure under Foundations) 2.6地基附加应力(Additional Stresses in Soil) 2.6.1集中力作用下的地基附加应力(Additional Stresses in Soil Due to a Point Load) 2.6.2分布荷载作用下的地基附加应力(Additional Stresses in Soil Due to Distributed Loads) 2.6.3平面应变问题的地基附加应力(Additional Stresses in Soil under Plain Strain Condition) 思考题(Thinking Questions) 习题(Exercises) 第3章土的渗透性与渗流(Permeability and Flow of Water through Soil) 3.1概述(Introduction) 3.2土的渗透规律(Law for Flow of Water through Soil) 3.2.1水头与水力梯度(Head and Hydraulic Gradient) 3.2.2达西渗透定律(Darcys Law) 3.2.3渗透系数的测定(Determination of the Coefficient of Permeability) 3.2.4影响渗透系数的因素(Factors Affecting the Coefficient of Permeability) 3.2.5层状地基的等效渗透系数(The Equivalent Permeability of Stratified Soil) 3.3渗透力及渗透破坏(Seepage Force and Seepage Failure) 3.3.1渗透力(Seepage Force) 3.3.2渗透破坏(Seepage Failure) 3.4二维渗流与流网(TwoDimensional Flow and Flow Nets) 3.4.1二维稳定渗流场的拉普拉斯方程(Laplaces Equation for TwoDimensional Steady Flow) 3.4.2流网及其应用(Flow Nets and Their Application) 3.4.3各向异性土体的流网(Flow Nets for Anisotropic Soil) 思考题(Thinking Questions) 习题(Exercises) 第4章土的一维压缩与固结(OneDimensional Compression and Consolidation of Soil) 4.1概述(Introduction) 4.2土的一维压缩特性及压缩性指标(Characteristics of OneDimensional Compressibility of Soil and Compressibility Parameters) 4.2.1侧限压缩试验(Laterally Confined Compression Test) 4.2.2压缩性指标(Compressibility Parameters) 4.2.3应力历史对土的压缩性的影响(Effects of Stress History on Soil Compressibility) 4.3地基最终沉降量的计算(Settlement Calculation) 4.3.1均质薄土层的一维压缩计算(Calculation of OneDimensional Compression of a Uniform Thin Layer of Soil) 4.3.2地基最终沉降量计算的分层总和法(Splitting Summation Method for Settlement Calculation) 4.4饱和土的渗流固结(Seepage Consolidation of Saturated Soil) 4.4.1饱和土的渗流固结模型(Seepage Consolidation Model of Saturated Soil) 4.4.2太沙基一维渗流固结理论(OneDimensional Seepage Consolidation Theory of Terzaghi) 4.5固结系数的确定方法(Determination of the Coefficient of Consolidation) 4.5.1时间平方根法(The Root Time Method) 4.5.2时间对数法(The Log Time Method) 4.6黏土的次固结沉降(Secondary Consolidation of Clay) 思考题(Thinking Questions) 习题(Exercises) 第5章土的剪切性状和抗剪强度(Shear Behavior and Shear Strength of Soil) 5.1概述(Introduction) 5.2排水条件下土的典型剪切性状(Typical Shear Behavior of Soil under Drained Condition) 5.2.1剪应力作用下土的典型性状(Typical Behavior of Soil to Shearing Stress) 5.2.2法向有效应力对土的剪切性状的影响(Effect of Normal Effective Stress on Shear Behavior of Soil) 5.3土的抗剪强度理论(Theory of Shear Strength of Soil) 5.3.1库仑公式及抗剪强度指标(Coulombs Law and Shear Strength Parameters) 5.3.2莫尔库仑强度理论(MohrCoulomb Strength Theory) 5.3.3土的极限平衡状态(Limit Equilibrium State of Soil) 5.4土的剪切试验(Shear Tests of Soil) 5.4.1直接剪切试验(Direct Shear Test) 5.4.2常规三轴试验(Conventional Triaxial Test) 5.4.3无侧限抗压强度试验(Unconfined Compression Test) 5.4.4十字板剪切试验(Vane Shear Test) 5.4.5其他试验方法(Other Test Methods) 5.5常规三轴试验中土的等向压缩性状和剪切性状(Isotropic Compression and Shear Behavior of Soil in Conventional Triaxial Tests) 5.5.1三轴应力条件下的孔隙压力系数(Pore Pressure Coefficients under the Triaxial Stress Condition) 5.5.2常规三轴压缩试验的应力路径(Stress Paths in Conventional Triaxial Compression Tests) 5.5.3常规三轴试验中土的等向压缩性状(Isotropic Compression Behavior of Soil in Conventional Triaxial Tests) 5.5.4常规三轴压缩试验中砂土的剪切性状(Shear Behavior of Sand in Conventional Triaxial Compression Tests) 5.5.5常规三轴压缩试验中黏土的剪切性状(Shear Behavior of Clay in Conventional Triaxial Compression Tests) 思考题(Thinking Questions) 习题(Exercises) 第6章土的临界状态和本构模型(Concept of the Critical State and Constitutive Models of Soil) 6.1概述(Introduction) 6.2土的临界状态(Concept of the Critical State of Soil) 6.2.1临界状态的定义(Definition of the Critical State) 6.2.2基于临界状态的黏土行为预测(Prediction of Clay Behavior Based on the Concept of the Critical State) 6.3弹塑性模型及塑性理论基础(ElastoPlastic Models and Basic Concepts of Plastic Theory) 6.3.1弹塑性模型(ElastoPlastic Models) 6.3.2塑性理论基础(Basic Concepts of Plastic Theory) 6.4剑桥黏土模型(CamClay Models) 6.4.1原始剑桥黏土模型(The Original CamClay Model) 6.4.2修正剑桥黏土模型(The Modified CamClay Model) 6.5与状态相关的剪胀性砂土模型(A Sand Model with StateDependent Dilatancy) 6.5.1与状态相关的剪胀性(StateDependent Dilatancy) 6.5.2三轴应力空间简化砂土模型(A Simplified Sand Model in the Triaxial Stress Space) 思考题(Thinking Questions) 习题(Exercises) 第7章非饱和土的基本性状(Fundamental Behavior of Unsaturated Soil) 7.1概述(Introduction) 7.2毛细作用和吸力(Capillarity and Suction) 7.2.1收缩膜和表面张力(Contractile Skin and Surface Tension) 7.2.2毛细作用(Capillarity) 7.2.3吸力(Suction) 7.3非饱和土的应力状态变量(Stress State Variable for Unsaturated Soil) 7.3.1非饱和土有效应力变量(Effective Stress Variable for Unsaturated Soil) 7.3.2双独立应力状态变量(Two Independent Stress State Variables) 7.4非饱和土的水力特性(Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Soil) 7.4.1非饱和土的持水特性(Retention Properties of Unsaturated Soil) 7.4.2非饱和土的渗流规律及渗透特性(Flow Law and Seepage Properties of Unsaturated Soil) 7.5非饱和土的变形性状(Deformation Behavior of Unsaturated Soil) 7.5.1吸力对非饱和土变形性状的影响(Effect of Suction on Deformation Behavior of Unsaturated Soil) 7.5.2非饱和土变形的弹性理论(Elasticity Theory for Deformations of Unsaturated Soil) 7.6非饱和土的抗剪强度特性(Shear Strength Properties of Unsaturated Soil) 7.6.1吸力对抗剪强度的贡献(Contribution of Suction to Shear Strength) 7.6.2非饱和土抗剪强度理论(Shear Strength Theory for Unsaturated Soil) 思考题(Thinking Questions) 习题(Exercises) 第8章土压力理论(Earth Pressure Theories) 8.1概述(Introduction) 8.2挡土结构及土压力(Retaining Structures and Earth Pressures) 8.2.1挡土结构的类型(Types of Retaining Structure) 8.2.2土压力类型(Types of Earth Pressure) 8.2.3土压力理论(Earth Pressure Theories) 8.3静止土压力的计算(Calculation of the Earth Pressure at Rest) 8.4朗肯土压力理论(Rankines Earth Pressure Theory) 8.4.1朗肯主动土压力(Rankines Active Earth Pressure) 8.4.2朗肯被动土压力(Rankines Passive Earth Pressure) 8.5库仑土压力理论(Coulombs Earth Pressure Theory) 8.5.1库仑主动土压力(Coulombs Active Earth Pressure) 8.5.2库仑被动土压力(Coulombs Passive Earth Pressure) 8.5.3黏性土的库仑土压力(Coulombs Earth Pressure for Cohesive Soil) 8.6朗肯与库仑土压力理论的比较(Comparison between Rankines and Coulombs Earth Pressure Theories) 8.7几种常见情况下的土压力计算(Earth Pressure Calculation in Several Common Situations) 8.7.1作用均布荷载时(Effect of UniformlyDistributed Loads) 8.7.2墙后土体分层(Effect of Layered Backfills) 8.7.3有地下水作用(Effect of Ground Water) 思考题(Thinking Questions) 习题(Exercises) 第9章土坡稳定分析(Stability Analysis of Soil Slopes) 9.1概述(Introduction) 9.2无黏性土坡稳定分析(Stability Analysis of Cohesionless Slopes) 9.2.1无渗流作用时的无黏性土坡(Cohesionless Soil Slopes without Seepage) 9.2.2有渗流作用时的无黏性土坡(Cohesionless Soil Slopes under Seepage Condition) 9.3黏性土坡稳定分析(Stability Analysis of Cohesive Slopes) 9.3.1整体圆弧滑动法(The Circular Slip Surface Method) 9.3.2条分法(The Slices Method) 9.4黏性土坡稳定分析的其他方法(Other Methods for Stability Analysis of Cohesive Slopes) 9.4.1稳定数法(The Stability Number Method) 9.4.2不平衡推力法(The Imbalance Thrust Force Method) 思考题(Thinking Questions) 习题(Exercises) 0章地基承载力(Bearing Capacity of Foundation Soil) 10.1概述(Introduction) 10.2地基破坏模式(Failure Modes of Foundation Soil) 10.2.1整体剪切破坏(General Shear Failure) 10.2.2局部剪切破坏(Local Shear Failure) 10.2.3冲切破坏(Punching Shear Failure) 10.3地基临塑荷载和临界荷载(The Critical Edge Pressure and the Critical Pressure of Foundation Soil) 10.3.1塑性区边界方程的推导(Derivation of the Boundary Equation of Plastic Zone) 10.3.2临塑荷载及临界荷载(The Critical Edge Pressure and the Critical Pressure) 10.4地基极限承载力(The Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Foundation Soil) 10.4.1普朗德尔瑞斯纳公式(PrandtlReissners Equation) 10.4.2太沙基公式(Terzaghis Equation) 10.4.3汉森公式(Hansens Equation) 10.4.4地基承载力的安全度(Factor of Safety for Bearing Capacity of Foundation Soil) 思考题(Thinking Questions) 习题(Exercises) 附录A常用术语符号表(Notations) 附录B习题参考答案(Reference Answers) 参考文献(References) |
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