Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 A Mosaic Man of Literature:Ronald Sukenick and His Literary Career
1.2 Ronald Sukenick Studies in the United States and China
1.3 The Aim and Structure of This Book
Chapter2 Identity and Identity Study in the Postmodern Context
2.1 Identity:From Modernism to Postmodernism
2.1.1 Definition of Identity
2.1.2 Identity in Modern Context
2.1.3 Identity in Postmodern Context
2.2 Identity in Postmodernist Narratives
2.2.1 Identity in Narratives
2.2.2 Identity in Postmodernist Narratives
Chapter 3 Surviving Law:Assimilation or Dissimilation
3.1 Surviving Law of Identity in Up and Down and In:Life in the Underground
3.1.1 Surviving Law of Identity I:Assimilating into American Mainstream
3.1.2 Surviving Law of Identity II:Dissimilating into American Mainstream
3.1.3 Mainstream and Anti-mainstream:Struggling between Assimilation and Dissimilation
3.2 Surviving Law of Postmodernist Narratives
3.2.1 Death of the Novel
3.2.2 The Survival of the Novel:Narrative Innovations
Chapter4 Entropy Law:Fluidity and Dissolution
4.1 Entropy Law of Identity in Out and 98.6
4.1.1 Stream of Identities
4.1.2 Non-identity
4.2 Entropy Law of Postmodernist Narratives
4.2.1 Typographic innovations
4.2.2 Language Play
Chapter5 Mosaic Law:Fragmentation and Collage
5.1 Mosaic Law of Identity in 98.6 and Mosaic Man
5.1.1 Cultural Shards and Hybridity
5.1.2 Psychosynthesis vs. Psychoanalysis
5.2 Mosaic Law of Postmodernist Narratives
5.2.1 Patchwork
5.2.2 Collage
Chapter6 Conclusion