简介 |
作者简介 单德启:born in 1937 in Anhui Province,graduated from the Civil Engineering and Archi-tecture Department of Tsinghua University in1960 and majored in architecture. He was for-merly Director of "the Teaching and ResearchSection for Architectural Design" of the Architec-ture Department of Tsinghua University, and theVice-President of the School of Architecture,Tsinghua University. At present, he is the Pro-fessor at the School of Architecture of TsinghuaUniversity as well as tutor of doctoral graduatestudents, Member of the Academic Committee,and Vice Director of the Academic Degree Com-mittee.Shan Deqi has published monographs includingIllustrations of Chinese Traditional VernacularDwelling, etc. 目录 《中国民居:英文》目录参加目录图 内容推荐 中国疆域辽阔,历史悠远,各地自然和人文环境不尽相同,因而中国民居的多样性在世界建筑史也较为鲜见。本书以生活在传统民居中的人的生活习俗、行为特征与空间模式的互动来选择较有代表性、覆盖面较广的若干聚落予以介绍,它们或精巧别致、或均衡简洁、或安静闲适地镶嵌在自 |