内容推荐 衣冠服饰是记载中华民族文化的重要篇章。本书选取不同历史时期有代表性的中国服饰样式、丰富多彩的民族服饰加以介绍,清晰地勾画出了一部中国服饰发展简史,从中不仅可以看到几千年来中华民族的历史变迁,政治、经济、文化、道德、习俗、审美、宗教、社会生活等方面的面貌,而且可以看出中国传统习俗和礼仪对服饰文化深刻的影响。 作者简介 华梅,天津师范大学教授,华梅服饰文化学研究所所长,原美术与设计学院院长。1983年起从事中国服装史教学,1994年创建服饰文化学新学科。至今出版专著56部,代表著作有《人类服饰文化学》《服饰与中国文化》《中国服装史》《西方服装史》《服装美学》等。 目录 Preface 1 A Brief History of Ancient Garments 11 Shenyi and Broad Sleeves 12 Introduction of Ethnic Minority Styles 17 The Elegant Wei and Jin Period 20 The Thousand Faces of the Tang Costume 25 Beizi: a Song Style Garment 37 Ming Garments as Seen in Classical Portraits 41 Qi Costumes-a Combination of Manchu and Han Nationality's Clothes 44 Clothes and Hierarchy in Ancient Times 55 Royal Ceremonial Wear 56 The Offi Uniform 59 Ancient armor suits 66 Silk, the Silk Road and the Art of Embroidery 77 Beauty of Primitive Garments 93 Adornments and Fairy Tales 94 Hats with Meanings 104 Shawls and the Back Wrapping Cloth 111 A Silhouette of Tibet Costumes 119 Countless Ornamental Objects 125 Trends in Modern Garments 137 Civilized New Clothes and Improved Cheong-sam 139 Farmer & Worker Uniforms and Service-dresses 147 Professional image and professional dresses 158 Keeping Pace with the World Fashion 162 Appendix: Chronological Table of the Chinese Dynasties 174 |